Kate Orkin
Kate Orkin
Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
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Cited by
The future in mind: aspirations and long-term outcomes in rural Ethiopia
S Dercon, K Orkin, G Schinaia, AS Taffesse, T Bernard
CSAE Working Paper Series, 2023
Social protection response to the COVID-19 crisis: options for developing countries
F Gerard, C Imbert, K Orkin
Oxford Review of Economic Policy 36 (Supplement_1), S281-S296, 2020
Job search and hiring with limited information about workseekers’ skills
E Carranza, R Garlick, K Orkin, N Rankin
American Economic Review 112 (11), 3547-3583, 2022
Will video kill the radio star? Assessing the potential of targeted exposure to role models through video
T Bernard, S Dercon, K Orkin, A Seyoum Taffesse
The World Bank Economic Review 29 (suppl_1), S226-S237, 2015
Can simple psychological interventions increase preventive health investment?
A John, K Orkin
Journal of the European Economic Association 20 (3), 1001-1047, 2022
Can mental health treatments help prevent or reduce intimate partner violence in low-and middle-income countries? A systematic review
WA Tol, SM Murray, C Lund, P Bolton, LK Murray, T Davies, J Haushofer, ...
BMC Women's Health 19, 1-15, 2019
Call me maybe: Experimental evidence on frequency and medium effects in microenterprise surveys
R Garlick, K Orkin, S Quinn
The World Bank Economic Review 34 (2), 418-443, 2020
Are Work and Schooling Complementary or Competitive for Children in Rural Ethiopia? A Mixed-Methods Study
K Orkin
Childhood Poverty: Multidisciplinary Approaches, 298-315, 2011
Parental aspirations for children’s education: Is there a “girl effect”? experimental evidence from rural ethiopia
T Bernard, S Dercon, K Orkin, AS Taffesse
AEA Papers and Proceedings 109, 127-132, 2019
The Effects of Mental Health Interventions on Labor Market Outcomes in Low-and Middle-Income Countries
C Lund, K Orkin, M Witte, JH Walker, T Davies, J Haushofer, S Murray, ...
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024
The effect of lengthening the school day on children's achievement in Ethiopia
K Orkin
Young Lives, 2013
Delivering quality early learning in low-resource settings: Progress and challenges in Ethiopia
K Orkin, W Abebe, M Woodhead
Bernard van Leer Foundation, 2012
In the child's best interests? Legislation on children's work in Ethiopia
K Orkin
Journal of International Development 22 (8), 1102-1114, 2010
Aspiring to a better future: can a simple psychological intervention reduce poverty?
K Orkin, R Garlick, M Mahmud, R Sedlmayr, J Haushofer, S Dercon
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023
Measuring self-efficacy, executive function, and temporal discounting in Kenya
K Esopo, D Mellow, C Thomas, H Uckat, J Abraham, P Jain, C Jang, ...
Behaviour Research and Therapy 101, 30-45, 2018
" If God wills... next year I will send her back to school": The Effects of Child and Parental Illness on School Participation in Rural Ethiopia. CREATE Pathways to Access …
K Orkin
Online Submission, 2011
‘See First, Think Later, Then Test’: How Children's Perspectives Can Improve Economic Research
K Orkin
The European Journal of Development Research 23, 774-791, 2011
Barriers to Search and Hiring in Urban Labour Markets
S Caria, K Orkin, R Garlick, N Singh, R Heath, A Andrews
Technical Report, Vox Dev Literature 2024., Simon Franklin, and Marc Witte …, 2024
International evidence to inform decision making on implementing urgent response social protection measures
K Orkin, R Garlick, I Rodriguez Hurtado, M Grabowska, B Kreft, A Cahill
Psychology, Health & Medicine 27 (sup1), 219-238, 2022
Video-based agricultural extension: Analysis of a pilot project in Ethiopia
T Bernard, S Makhija, K Orkin, AS Taffesse, DJ Spielman
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2016
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Articles 1–20