Bernhard Aichernig
Bernhard Aichernig
Graz Univ. of Technology (TU Graz)
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Model-based testing IoT communication via active automata learning
M Tappler, BK Aichernig, R Bloem
2017 IEEE International conference on software testing, verification and …, 2017
Time for mutants—model-based mutation testing with timed automata
BK Aichernig, F Lorber, D Ničković
Tests and Proofs: 7th International Conference, TAP 2013, Budapest, Hungary …, 2013
Test case generation by OCL mutation and constraint solving
BK Aichernig, PAP Salas
Fifth International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC'05), 64-71, 2005
Killing strategies for model‐based mutation testing
BK Aichernig, H Brandl, E Jöbstl, W Krenn, R Schlick, S Tiran
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 25 (8), 716-748, 2015
Momut:: UML model-based mutation testing for UML
W Krenn, R Schlick, S Tiran, B Aichernig, E Jobstl, H Brandl
2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2015
AALpy: an active automata learning library
E Muškardin, BK Aichernig, I Pill, A Pferscher, M Tappler
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering 18 (3), 417-426, 2022
Survey on test data generation tools: An evaluation of white-and gray-box testing tools for C#, C++, Eiffel, and Java
SJ Galler, BK Aichernig
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 16, 727-751, 2014
Model learning and model-based testing
BK Aichernig, W Mostowski, MR Mousavi, M Tappler, M Taromirad
Machine Learning for Dynamic Software Analysis: Potentials and Limits …, 2018
Model-based mutation testing of an industrial measurement device
BK Aichernig, J Auer, E Jöbstl, R Korošec, W Krenn, R Schlick, ...
Tests and Proofs: 8th International Conference, TAP 2014, Held as Part of …, 2014
Mutation testing in the refinement calculus
BK Aichernig
Formal Aspects of Computing 15, 280-295, 2003
A proof obligation generator for VDM-SL
BK Aichernig, PG Larsen
FME'97: Industrial Applications and Strengthened Foundations of Formal …, 1997
From faults via test purposes to test cases: On the fault-based testing of concurrent systems
BK Aichernig, CC Delgado
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2006
Automated conformance verification of hybrid systems
H Brandl, M Weiglhofer, BK Aichernig
2010 10th International Conference on Quality Software, 3-12, 2010
Protocol conformance testing a SIP registrar: An industrial application of formal methods
BK Aichernig, B Peischl, M Weiglhofer, F Wotawa
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2007
Mutation testing in UTP
BK Aichernig, H Jifeng
Formal Aspects of Computing 21, 33-64, 2009
Time to Learn–Learning Timed Automata from Tests
M Tappler, BK Aichernig, KG Larsen, F Lorber
International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems …, 2019
UML in action: a two-layered interpretation for testing
BK Aichernig, H Brandl, E Jöbstl, W Krenn
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 36 (1), 1-8, 2011
Validating voice communication requirements using lightweight formal methods
J Horl, BK Aichernig
IEEE Software 17 (3), 21-27, 2000
Efficient mutation killers in action
BK Aichernig, H Brandl, E Jöbstl, W Krenn
2011 Fourth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification …, 2011
Model-based mutation testing via symbolic refinement checking
BK Aichernig, E Jöbstl, S Tiran
Science of Computer Programming 97, 383-404, 2015
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