Доротея Малинова
Доротея Малинова
Асистент в Катедра по обща и клинична патология, МУ-Варна
Потвърден имейл адрес: mu-varna.bg
Primary Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Breast: Histopathological Criteria, Prognostic Factors, and Review of the Literature
L Marinova, D Malinova, S Vicheva
Case Reports in Pathology 2016, 4, 2016
Heterotopic adrenal gland in undescendent testis–Case report
D Anakievski, D Malinova
Urology Case Reports 27, 101008, 2019
Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation of the Lung: a Case Report and Review of the Literature
D Malinova, P Kolova, R Radev
Journal of Biomedical and Clinical Research 8 (2), 160-163, 2015
Thyroid metastasis of a squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue-a rare case report
G Tosheva, M Siderova, E Encheva, D Malinova
Journal of IMAB–Annual Proceeding Scientific Papers 27 (1), 3564-3567, 2021
Pathohistological Diagnosis, Immunohistochemical Analysis and Optimal Complex Treatment in Primary Ovarian Leiomyosarcoma
L Marinova, B Yordanova, D Malinova, K Petrova
Biomedical 32 (2), 24800-24805, 2020
Angiogenesis and CK19 expression in papillary thyroid carcinoma
D Malinova, M Tzaneva
Trakia Journal of Sciences 13 (2), 147-150, 2015
Apocrine Breast Carcinoma-Pathohistological And Immunohistochemical Analysis, Prognosis and Complex Treatment
L Marinova, S Vicheva, D Malinova
Pathohistological and immunohistochem-ical analysis of primary invasive ductal breast carcinoma with signet-ring cell differentiation-Differential diagnosis, prognosis and …
L Marinova, B Yordanova, N Evgeniev, D Malinova
ISSN: 2577-8005 Abstract Primary signet ring cell carcinoma (PSRCC) of the …, 2021
Primary angiosarcoma of the breast: A clinical case and review of the literature
L Marinova, BG Yordanova, DV Malinova
Current Cancer Reports 2, 28-33, 2020
Pathohistological and Immunohistochemical Characteristics of Locally Ad-vanced Papillary Serous Endometrial Carcinoma - Differential Diagnosis, Prognosis and Complex Treatment
D Malinova, L Marinova, G Solakova
International Journal of Clinical Studies & Medical Case Reports 6 (Issue 3 …, 2020
Mammary type myofibroblasoma – clinical case and differential diagnosis
D Malinova, L Marinova
Trends in Medicine, 1-4; DOI: 10.15761/TiM.1000237, 2020
Immunohistochemical Diagnosis in a Rare Giant Cell Inflammatory Subtype of Well-Differentiated Paratesticular Liposarcoma-Clinical Case with Literature Review
L Marinova, B Yordanova, DP Malinova
Austin J Med Oncol 7 (1), 1050, 2020
Pathohistological and Immunohistochemical Diagnostics in Well-Differentiated Paratesticular Liposarcoma with Dedifferentiated (DD) Component–Two Rare Clinical Cases with a …
L Marinova, B Yordanova, D Malinova
SAJ Cancer Sci 7 (102), 2, 2020
Morphological and Immunohistochemical Comparative Analysis of Thyroid Tumours//Морфологична и имунохистохимична сравнителна характеристика на туморите на щитовидната жлеза
Д Малинова
Medical University of Varna, 2019
Analysis of the incidence and the prevalence of JAK2 mutation in Philadelphia negative myeloproliferative neoplasms
IK Nadezhda Stefanova, Maria Tzaneva, Antonio Antonov, Trifon Chervenkov ...
Collection of articles from the National Scientific Conference “15 Years of …, 2018
Expression of Neuropilin-1 in renal cell carcinoma
LS Snezhana Spasova, Peter Ghenev, Ivan Donev, Assia Konsoulova, Nadezhda ...
Collection of articles from the National Scientific Conference “15 Years of …, 2018
Angiogenesis and CK19 expession in follicular thyroid adenoma
MS Doroteya Malinova, Maria Tzaneva, Dariya Chivchibashi, Nadezhda Stefanova ...
Collection of articles from the National Scientific Conference “15 Years of …, 2018
Морфологична характеристика на туморите на щитовидна жлеза
Д Малинова, М Сидерова
Медпост, 50-53, 2017
Неврофиброматоза в асоциация с псориазис вулгарис - рядко наблюдаван клиничен случай
РБД Деница Х. Желева, Доротея В. Малинова
Дерматология и венерология, 10-15, 2017
Морфологичен анализ на метастатичното разпространение при светлоклетъчен карцином на бъбрека
С Спасова, Н Стефанова, Д Малинова
Наука и младост, Сборник с научни съобщения от конкурсна сесия 2016, 286-291, 2017
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