Joseph P. Campbell
Joseph P. Campbell
Laboratory Fellow, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
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Cited by
Speaker recognition: A tutorial
JP Campbell
Proceedings of the IEEE 85 (9), 1437-1462, 2002
Support vector machines for speaker and language recognition
WM Campbell, JP Campbell, DA Reynolds, E Singer, ...
Computer Speech & Language 20 (2-3), 210-229, 2006
The SuperSID project: Exploiting high-level information for high-accuracy speaker recognition
D Reynolds, W Andrews, J Campbell, J Navratil, B Peskin, A Adami, Q Jin, ...
2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2003
Testing with the YOHO CD-ROM voice verification corpus
JP Campbell
1995 international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing 1 …, 1995
Forensic speaker recognition
JP Campbell, W Shen, WM Campbell, R Schwartz, JF Bonastre, D Matrouf
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 26 (2), 95-103, 2009
Phonetic speaker recognition with support vector machines
W Campbell, J Campbell, D Reynolds, D Jones, T Leek
Advances in neural information processing systems 16, 2003
An expandable error-protected 4800 bps CELP coder (US federal standard 4800 bps voice coder)
JP Campbell, VC Welch, TE Tremain
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,, 735-738, 1989
Person authentication by voice: a need for caution.
JF Bonastre, F Bimbot, LJ Boë, JP Campbell, DA Reynolds, ...
Interspeech, 33-36, 2003
Corpora for the evaluation of speaker recognition systems
JP Campbell, DA Reynolds
1999 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1999
The DoD 4.8 kbps standard (proposed federal standard 1016)
JP Campbell Jr, TE Tremain, VC Welch
Advances in Speech Coding, 121-133, 1991
Fusing high-and low-level features for speaker recognition.
JP Campbell, DA Reynolds, RB Dunn
INTERSPEECH, 2665-2668, 2003
Voiced/unvoiced classification of speech with applications to the US government LPC-10E algorithm
J Campbell, T Tremain
ICASSP'86. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1986
Speaker indexing in large audio databases using anchor models
DE Sturim, DA Reynolds, E Singer, JP Campbell
2001 ieee international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal …, 2001
Speaker verification using support vector machines and high-level features
WM Campbell, JP Campbell, TP Gleason, DA Reynolds, W Shen
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 15 (7), 2085-2094, 2007
High-level speaker verification with support vector machines
WM Campbell, JR Campbell, DA Reynolds, DA Jones, TR Leek
2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2004
The federal standard 1016 4800 bps CELP voice coder
JP Campbell Jr, TE Tremain, VC Welch
Digital Signal Processing 1 (3), 145-155, 1991
Gender-dependent phonetic refraction for speaker recognition
WD Andrews, MA Kohler, JP Campbell, JJ Godfrey, J Hernández-Cordero
2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2002
Exploiting nonacoustic sensors for speech encoding
TF Quatieri, K Brady, D Messing, JP Campbell, WM Campbell, ...
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 14 (2), 533-544, 2006
The proposed Federal Standard 1016 4800 bps voice coder: CELP
JP Campbell, TE Tremain, VC Welch
Speech Technology 5 (2), 58-64, 1990
Fusing discriminative and generative methods for speaker recognition: experiments on switchboard and NFI/TNO field data
WM Campbell, DA Reynolds, JP Campbell
ODYSSEY04-The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, 2004
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Articles 1–20