Sikder M. Kamruzzaman
Sikder M. Kamruzzaman
Professor at St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology, Canada
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Spectrum and Energy Aware Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
SM Kamruzzaman, E Kim, DG Jeong
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2011, 1-5, 2011
A System for Smart Home Control of Appliances based on Timer and Speech Interaction
SM Haque, SM Kamruzzaman, MA Islam
International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Jan. 2006, 4, 128-131, 2010
An energy efficient multichannel MAC protocol for cognitive radio ad hoc networks
SM Kamruzzaman
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security …, 2010
A New Data Mining Scheme Using Artificial Neural Networks
SM Kamruzzaman, AM Sarkar
Sensors 11 (5), 4622-4647, 2011
Medical diagnosis using neural network
SM Kamruzzaman, AR Hasan, AB Siddiquee, MHE Mazumder
IEEE International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICECE …, 2010
An energy efficient QoS routing protocol for cognitive radio ad hoc networks
SM Kamruzzaman, E Kim, DG Jeong
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT …, 2011
Text Classification using Data Mining
SM Kamruzzaman, F Haider, AR Hasan
International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in …, 2010
Energy-aware routing protocol for cognitive radio ad hoc networks
SM Kamruzzaman, E Kim, DG Jeong, WS Jeon
IET Communications 6 (14), 2159-2168, 2012
An algorithm to extract rules from artificial neural networks for medical diagnosis problems
SM Kamruzzaman, MM Islam
International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT) 2006, 12 (8), 41-59, 2010
Text classification using the concept of association rule of data mining
CM Rahman, FA Sohel, P Naushad, SM Kamruzzaman
International Conference on Information Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal, May …, 2003
Speaker Identification using MFCC-Domain Support Vector Machine
SM Kamruzzaman, ANM Karim, M Islam, M Haque
International Journal of Electrical and Power Engineering, 2007, 1 (3), 274-278, 2007
Text Classification using Artificial Intelligence
SM Kamruzzaman
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1009.4964, 2010
ERANN: An Algorithm to Extract Symbolic Rules from Trained Artificial Neural Networks
SM Kamruzzaman, MA Hamid, AM Sarkar
IETE Journal of Research 58 (2), 138-154, 2012
Dynamic TDMA slot reservation protocol for cognitive radio ad hoc networks
SM Kamruzzaman, MS Alam
IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT …, 2010
Text Categorization using Association Rule and Naive Bayes Classifier
SM Kamruzzaman, CM Rahman
Asian Journal of Information Technology 3 (9), 657-665, 2004
Differential receiver as a denoising scheme to improve the performance of V2V-VLC systems
H Farahneh, SM Kamruzzaman, X Fernando
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2018, 2018
An energy-efficient MAC protocol for QoS provisioning in cognitive radio ad hoc networks
SM Kamruzzaman, MA Hamid, M Abdullah-Al-Wadud
Radioengineering Journal 19 (4), 567-578, 2010
A hybrid learning algorithm for text classification
SM Kamruzzaman, F Haider
IEEE International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (ICECE …, 2010
An Efficient Technique for Text Compression
M Azad, A Kalam, R Sharmeen, S Ahmad, SM Kamruzzaman
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1009.4981, 2010
CR-MAC: A Multichannel MAC Protocol for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
SM Kamruzzaman
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications 2 (5), 2010
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Articles 1–20