Brendon Swedlow
Cited by
Cited by
Budgeting and Governing
A Wildavsky
Brendon Swedlow, editor, 2001
A Cultural Theory of Politics: Editor's Introduction: Cultural Theory's Contributions to Political Science
B Swedlow
PS: Political Science & Politics 44 (4), 703-710, 2011
A cultural theory of leadership
A Wildavsky, B Swedlow, D Coyle, R Ellis, R Kagan, A Ranney
Cultural Analysis, 253-282, 2018
Cultural theory's contributions to risk analysis: A thematic review with directions and resources for further research
BB Johnson, B Swedlow
Risk Analysis 41 (3), 429-455, 2021
Culture and Social Theory
A Wildavsky
Sun-Ki Chai and Brendon Swedlow, editors, 1998
Value preferences and ideological structuring of attitudes in American public opinion
B Swedlow, ML Wyckoff
American Politics Research 37 (6), 1048-1087, 2009
Toward cultural analysis in policy analysis: Picking up where Aaron Wildavsky left off
B Swedlow
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 4 (3), 267-285, 2002
Advancing policy theory with cultural theory: An introduction to the special issue
B Swedlow
Policy Studies Journal 42 (4), 465-483, 2014
Beyond liberal and conservative: Two-dimensional conceptions of ideology and the structure of political attitudes and values
B Swedlow
Journal of Political Ideologies 13 (2), 157-180, 2008
Cultural Analysis: Politics, Public Law, and Administration
A Wildavsky
Brendon Swedlow, editor, 2006
Precautionary regulation in Europe and the United States: a quantitative comparison
JK Hammitt, JB Wiener, B Swedlow, D Kall, Z Zhou
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 25 (5), 1215-1228, 2005
Federalism and Political Culture
A Wildavsky
David Schleicher and Brendon Swedlow, editors, 1998
Cultural coproduction of four states of knowledge
B Swedlow
Science, Technology, & Human Values 37 (3), 151-179, 2012
Policy advocacy coalitions as causes of policy change in China? Analyzing evidence from contemporary environmental politics
H Han, B Swedlow, D Unger
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 16 (4), 313-334, 2014
A cultural theory of responsibility
A Wildavsky, B Swedlow, D Coyle, R Ellis, R Kagan, A Ranney
Cultural Analysis, 239-251, 2018
Using the boundaries of science to do boundary-work among scientists: Pollution and purity claims
B Swedlow
Science and Public Policy 34 (9), 633-643, 2007
Theorizing and generalizing about risk assessment and regulation through comparative nested analysis of representative cases
B Swedlow, D Kall, Z Zhou, JK Hammitt, JB Wiener
Law & Policy 31 (2), 236-269, 2009
Cultural theory and cultural cognition theory survey measures: Confirmatory factoring and predictive validity of factor scores for judged risk
BB Johnson, B Swedlow, MW Mayorga
Journal of Risk Research 23 (11), 1467-1490, 2020
Three Cultural Boundaries of Science, Institutions, and Policy: A Cultural Theory of Coproduction, Boundary‐Work, and Change
B Swedlow
Review of Policy Research 34 (6), 827-853, 2017
Cultural surprises as sources of sudden, big policy change
B Swedlow
PS: Political Science & Politics 44 (4), 736-739, 2011
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Articles 1–20