Nathian Shae Rodriguez
Cited by
Cited by
Identifying with a stereotype: The divergent effects of exposure to homosexual television characters
B McLaughlin, NS Rodriguez
Journal of Homosexuality 64 (9), 1196-1213, 2017
Communicating global inequalities: How LGBTI asylum-specific NGOs use social media as public relations
NS Rodriguez
Public relations review 42 (2), 322-332, 2016
Mobile masculinities: An investigation of networked masculinities in gay dating apps Masculinidades móviles: Una investigación de masculinidades en red en las gay dating apps
NS Rodriguez, JTTU Huemmer, LE Blumell
This is who I am: The selfie as a personal and social identity marker
V Barker, NS Rodriguez
International Journal of Communication 13, 24, 2019
Dibs on that sexy piece of ass: Hegemonic masculinity on TFM girls Instagram account
NS Rodriguez, T Hernandez
Social Media+ Society 4 (1), 2056305118760809, 2018
What a year! The framing of marriage equality through media’s selected sources in 2013
NS Rodriguez, L Blumell
Journal of Communication Inquiry 38 (4), 341-359, 2014
Pedagogy of the depressed: an examination of critical pedagogy in higher ed’s diversity-centered classrooms post-trump
NS Rodriguez, J Huemmer
Pedagogy, Culture & Society 27 (1), 133-149, 2019
# FIFAputos: A Twitter textual analysis over “Puto” at the 2014 World Cup
NS Rodriguez
Communication & Sport 5 (6), 712-731, 2017
Stereotyped identification: How identifying with fictional Latina characters increases acceptance and stereotyping
B McLaughlin, NS Rodriguez, JA Dunn, J Martinez
Mass Communication and Society 21 (5), 585-605, 2018
Winning on social media: Candidate social-mediated communication and voting during the 2016 US presidential election
T Macafee, B McLaughlin, NS Rodriguez
Social Media+ Society 5 (1), 2056305119826130, 2019
Hip-Hop’s Authentic Masculinity: A Quare Reading of Fox’s Empire
NS Rodriguez
Television & New Media 19 (3), 225-240, 2018
Ambivalent Sexism and Gay Men in the US and UK
LE Blumell, NS Rodriguez
Sexuality & Culture 24 (1), 209-229, 2020
Power, agency and resistance in public relations: A queer of color critique of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance
E Ciszek, NS Rodriguez
Communication, Culture, and Critique 13 (4), 536-555, 2020
From Hoops to Hope: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Political Fandom on Twitter
NS Rodriguez, N Goretti
International Journal of Communication 16, 20, 2022
The impact of social media in modern romantic relationships
NM Punyanunt-Carter, JS Wrench, VS Arias, M Bassick, JL Bevan, ...
Lexington Books, 2017
Articulating transgender subjectivity: How discursive formations perpetuate regimes of power
E Ciszek, NS Rodriguez
International Journal of Communication 14, 19, 2020
Negotiation of sexual identity in gay on-air talent on West Texas radio and television media
NS Rodriguez
Journal of homosexuality 66 (7), 896-913, 2019
The use of twitter to# DefendDACA & DREAMers
M De Maio, NS Rodriguez
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies 9 (2), 49-65, 2022
Intercultural communication, identity, and social movements in the digital age
MU D'Silva, A Atay
Routledge, 2020
San Francisco's queer diaspora and the gay Middle Eastern refugee/asylee
NS Rodriguez
JOMEC Journal 11, 111-126, 2017
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Articles 1–20