John C. Bluedorn
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Cited by
Toward a fiscal union for the euro area, IMF staff discussion note
C Allard, PK Brooks, JC Bluedorn, F Bornhorst, K Christopherson, ...
SDN/13/09, 2013
Capital Flows are Fickle: Anytime, Anywhere
JC Bluedorn, R Duttagupta, J Guajardo, P Topalova
IMF Working Paper 13 (183), 2013
Revisiting the twin deficits hypothesis: the effect of fiscal consolidation on the current account
J Bluedorn, D Leigh
IMF Economic Review 59 (4), 582-602, 2011
Reforming fiscal governance in the European Union
M Andrle, MJC Bluedorn, L Eyraud, MT Kinda, MPK Brooks, MG Schwartz, ...
International Monetary Fund, 2015
The rising resilience of emerging market and developing economies
A Abiad, J Bluedorn, J Guajardo, P Topalova
World Development 72, 1-26, 2015
Can democracy help? Growth and ethnic divisions
JC Bluedorn
Economics Letters 70 (1), 121-126, 2001
Gender and Employment in the COVID-19 Recession: Evidence on “She-cessions”
J Bluedorn, FG Caselli, MNJH Hansen, MI Shibata, MMM Tavares
International Monetary Fund, 2021
The open economy consequences of US monetary policy
JC Bluedorn, C Bowdler
Journal of International Money and Finance 30 (2), 309-336, 2011
The Empirics of International Monetary Transmission: Identification and the Impossible Trinity
JC Bluedorn, C Bowdler
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 42 (4), 679-713, 2010
Wage–price spirals: what is the historical evidence?
J Alvarez, JC Bluedorn, NJ Hansen, Y Huang, E Pugacheva, A Sollaci
Economica 91 (364), 1291-1319, 2024
Gender and employment in the COVID-19 recession: Cross-country evidence on ‘she-cessions’
J Bluedorn, F Caselli, NJ Hansen, M M. Tavares, I Shibata
VoxEU Column, 2021
Market size and supply disruptions: Sharing the pain from a potential russian gas shut-off to the eu
S Albrizio, JC Bluedorn, C Koch, A Pescatori, M Stuermer
IMF Working Papers 143, 2022, 2022
How vulnerable are emerging markets to external shocks?
A Almansour, A Aslam, J Bluedorn, R Duttagupta
Journal of Policy Modeling 37 (3), 460-483, 2015
An early view of the economic impact of the pandemic in 5 charts
J Bluedorn, G Gopinath, D Sandri
IMFBlog: Website, 2020
Do asset price drops foreshadow recessions?
JC Bluedorn, J Decressin, ME Terrones
International Journal of Forecasting 32 (2), 518-526, 2016
Chapter 4: International Capital Flows: Reliable or Fickle?
J Bluedorn, R Duttagupta, J Guajardo, P Topalova
World Economic Outlook -- Tensions from the Two-Speed Recovery: Unemployment …, 2011
Heterogeneous Bank Lending Responses to Monetary Policy: New Evidence from a Real-Time Identification
JC Bluedorn, C Bowdler, C Koch
International Journal of Central Banking 13 (1), 95-149, 2017
Transitioning to a greener labor market: Cross-country evidence from microdata
J Bluedorn, NJ Hansen, D Noureldin, I Shibata, MM Tavares
Energy Economics 126, 106836, 2023
Work in progress: Improving youth labor Market outcomes in emerging market and developing economies
MJB Ahn, Z An, MJC Bluedorn, G Ciminelli, Z Kóczán, MD Malacrino, ...
International Monetary Fund, 2019
Strengthening the Euro Area: The Role of National Structural Reforms in Building Resilience
MRA Duval, MS Aiyar
International Monetary Fund, 2019
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Articles 1–20