Eric W. Crawford
Eric W. Crawford
Professor of Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University
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Links between nonfarm income and farm investment in African households: adding the capital market perspective
T Reardon, E Crawford, V Kelly
American journal of agricultural economics 76 (5), 1172-1176, 1994
Informing food security decisions in Africa: Empirical analysis and policy dialogue
MT Weber, JM Staatz, JS Holtzman, EW Crawford, RH Bernsten
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 70 (5), 1044-1052, 1988
Input use and market development in Sub-Saharan Africa: an overview
E Crawford, V Kelly, TS Jayne, J Howard
Food policy 28 (4), 277-292, 2003
Alternative approaches for promoting fertilizer use in Africa, with particular reference to the role of fertilizer subsidies
EW Crawford, TS Jayne, VA Kelly
Promoting high-input maize technologies in Africa: the Sasakawa-Global 2000 experience in Ethiopia and Mozambique
J Howard, E Crawford, V Kelly, M Demeke, JJ Jeje
Food Policy 28 (4), 335-348, 2003
Welfare effects of maize technologies in marginal and high potential regions of Kenya
DD Karanja, M Renkow, EW Crawford
Agricultural Economics 29 (3), 331-341, 2003
Promoting sustainable intensification and productivity growth in Sahel agriculture after macroeconomic policy reform
T Reardon, V Kelly, E Crawford, B Diagana, J Dioné, K Savadogo, ...
Food Policy 22 (4), 317-327, 1997
Towards ‘smart’subsidies in agriculture? Lessons in recent experience in Malawi
A Dorward, E Chirwa, D Boughton, E Crawford, T Jayne, R Slater, V Kelly, ...
Natural resources perspectives, 2008
Animal traction in eastern Upper Volta: a technical, economic and institutional analysis.
V Barrett
Promoting fertilizer use in Africa: current issues and empirical evidence from Malawi, Zambia, and Kenya
IJ Minde, TS Jayne, EW Crawford, J Ariga, J Govereh
Determinants of farm productivity in Africa: a synthesis of four case studies
T Reardon, VA Kelly, EW Crawford, TS Jayne, K Savadogo, DC Clay
The impact of agricultural technology in Sub-Saharan Africa
JF Oehmke, EW Crawford
Journal of African Economies 5 (2), 271-292, 1996
Cash crop and foodgrain productivity in Senegal: historical view, new survey evidence, and policy implications
VA Kelly, BN Diagana, T Reardon, M Gaye, EW Crawford
Promoting farm investment for sustainable intensification of African agriculture
T Reardon, EW Crawford, VA Kelly, BN Diagana
Climate change and crop choice in Zambia: A mathematical programming approach
A Wineman, EW Crawford
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 81, 19-31, 2017
Improving the measurement and analysis of African agricultural productivity: Promoting complementarities between micro and macro data
VA Kelly, J Hopkins, T Reardon, EW Crawford
Green Revolution Technology Takes Root in Africa The Promise and Challenge of the Ministry of Agriculture/SG2000 Experiment with Improved Cereals Technology in Ethiopia
JA Howard, VA Kelly, J Stepanek, EW Crawford, M Demeke, MK Maredia
The New Generation of African Fertilizer Subsidies: Panacea or Pandora’s Box?
VA Kelly, EW Crawford, J Ricker-Gilbert
A Strategic Approach to Agricultural Research Program Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa
D Boughton, EW Crawford, JA Howard, JF Oehmke, JD Shaffer, JM Staatz
Employment, income distribution, poverty alleviation and basic needs in Kenya
EW Crawford, E Thorbecke
Cornell University, 1978
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Articles 1–20