Peter M. Bourke
Cited by
Cited by
A high-quality genome sequence of Rosa chinensis to elucidate ornamental traits
L Hibrand Saint-Oyant, T Ruttink, L Hamama, I Kirov, D Lakhwani, ...
Nature plants 4 (7), 473-484, 2018
Tools for genetic studies in experimental populations of polyploids
PM Bourke, RE Voorrips, RGF Visser, C Maliepaard
Frontiers in plant science 9, 513, 2018
Phased, chromosome-scale genome assemblies of tetraploid potato reveal a complex genome, transcriptome, and predicted proteome landscape underpinning genetic diversity
G Hoopes, X Meng, JP Hamilton, SR Achakkagari, FAF Guesdes, ...
Molecular plant 15 (3), 520-536, 2022
The double reduction landscape in tetraploid potato as revealed by a high-density linkage map
PM Bourke, RE Voorrips, RGF Visser, C Maliepaard
Genetics 201, 853-863, 2015
polymapR—linkage analysis and genetic map construction from F1 populations of outcrossing polyploids
PM Bourke, G Van Geest, RE Voorrips, J Jansen, T Kranenburg, A Shahin, ...
Bioinformatics 34 (20), 3496-3502, 2018
Breeding beyond monoculture: Putting the “intercrop” into crops
PM Bourke, JB Evers, P Bijma, DF van Apeldoorn, MJM Smulders, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 734167, 2021
Partial preferential chromosome pairing is genotype dependent in tetraploid rose
PM Bourke, P Arens, RE Voorrips, GD Esselink, CFS Koning‐Boucoiran, ...
The Plant Journal 90 (2), 330-343, 2017
In the name of the rose: a roadmap for rose research in the genome era
MJM Smulders, P Arens, PM Bourke, T Debener, M Linde, J De Riek, ...
Horticulture research 6, 2019
An ultra-dense integrated linkage map for hexaploid chrysanthemum enables multi-allelic QTL analysis
G van Geest, PM Bourke, RE Voorrips, A Marasek-Ciolakowska, Y Liao, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130, 2527-2541, 2017
High-density SNP-based genetic maps for the parents of an outcrossed and a selfed tetraploid garden rose cross, inferred from admixed progeny using the 68k rose SNP array
M Vukosavljev, P Arens, RE Voorrips, WPC van‘t Westende, GD Esselink, ...
Horticulture Research 3, 2016
Integrating haplotype-specific linkage maps in tetraploid species using SNP markers
PM Bourke, RE Voorrips, T Kranenburg, J Jansen, RGF Visser, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 129, 2211-2226, 2016
Multi-environment QTL analysis of plant and flower morphological traits in tetraploid rose
PM Bourke, VW Gitonga, RE Voorrips, RGF Visser, FA Krens, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131, 2055-2069, 2018
QTL Mapping for Resistance to Cankers Induced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) in a Tetraploid Actinidia chinensis Kiwifruit Population
J Tahir, C Brendolise, S Hoyte, M Lucas, S Thomson, K Hoeata, ...
Pathogens 9 (11), 967, 2020
Detecting quantitative trait loci and exploring chromosomal pairing in autopolyploids using polyqtlR
PM Bourke, RE Voorrips, CA Hackett, G van Geest, JH Willemsen, ...
Bioinformatics 37 (21), 3822-3829, 2021
Quantifying the power and precision of QTL analysis in autopolyploids under bivalent and multivalent genetic models
PM Bourke, CA Hackett, RE Voorrips, RGF Visser, C Maliepaard
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9 (7), 2107-2122, 2019
Multi-allelic QTL analysis of protein content in a bi-parental population of cultivated tetraploid potato
MT Klaassen, PM Bourke, C Maliepaard, LM Trindade
Euphytica 215, 1-18, 2019
High density genetic map and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with petal number and flower diameter identified in tetraploid rose
YU Chao, HH Wan, PM Bourke, BX Cheng, LUO Le, HT Pan, QX Zhang
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 20 (5), 1287-1301, 2021
GWAS in tetraploid potato: identification and validation of SNP markers associated with glycoalkaloid content
PG Vos, MJ Paulo, PM Bourke, CA Maliepaard, FA Van Eeuwijk, ...
Molecular Breeding 42 (12), 76, 2022
QTL analysis in polyploids: model testing and power calculations for an autotetraploid
PM Bourke
Development of a 135K SNP genotyping array for Actinidia arguta and its applications for genetic mapping and QTL analysis in kiwifruit
R Wang, S Xing, PM Bourke, X Qi, M Lin, D Esselink, P Arens, ...
Plant Biotechnology Journal 21 (2), 369-380, 2023
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Articles 1–20