Suzan Ayas
Suzan Ayas
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Cited by
Using naturalistic vehicle-based data to predict distraction and environmental demand
D Kanaan, S Ayas, B Donmez, M Risteska, J Chakraborty
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 11 (3 …, 2019
The effect of intraoperative distractions on severe technical events in laparoscopic bariatric surgery
S Ayas, L Gordon, B Donmez, T Grantcharov
Surgical Endoscopy 35, 4569-4580, 2021
Visual attention failures during turns at intersections: An on-road study
NE Kaya, S Ayas, CT Ponnambalam, B Donmez
Victoria 1, 2018
Drowsiness mitigation through driver state monitoring systems: A scoping review
S Ayas, B Donmez, X Tang
Human factors 66 (9), 2218-2243, 2024
Mitigating operating room distractions: a systematic review assessing intervention effectiveness
S Ayas, BA Armstrong, S Wong, L Gordon, T Kishibe, T Grantcharov, ...
Human Factors in Healthcare 2, 100013, 2022
Limitation-focused versus responsibility-focused advanced driver assistance systems training: A thematic analysis of driver opinions
CA DeGuzman, S Ayas, B Donmez
Transportation research record 2677 (7), 122-132, 2023
The Prevalence and Potential Effects of Distractions in General Surgery: A Mixed-Methods Study
S Ayas, B Donmez, K Kazlovich, S Lombardi, A Jain
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 66 (1 …, 2022
A Taxonomy of Distraction Mitigation Strategies for Operating Rooms
S Ayas, B Donmez
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 63 (1 …, 2019
Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of Operating Room Distractions
S Ayas
University of Toronto (Canada), 2019
Understanding and Mitigating Operating Room (OR) Distractions
S Ayas, B Donmez, L Gordon, C Hogan, T Grantcharov
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Articles 1–10