Ecological, evolutionary, and conservation implications of incubation temperature‐dependent phenotypes in birds SE DuRant, WA Hopkins, GR Hepp, JR Walters Biological Reviews 88 (2), 499-509, 2013 | 317 | 2013 |
Red-cockaded woodpeckers: a ‘primitive’cooperative breeder JR Walters Cooperative breeding in birds: long-term studies of ecology and behavior …, 1990 | 274 | 1990 |
The cooperative breeding system of the red‐cockaded woodpecker JR Walters, PD Doerr, JH Carter Iii Ethology 78 (4), 275-305, 1988 | 273 | 1988 |
The determination of clutch size in precocial birds DW Winkler, JR Walters Current ornithology, 33-68, 1983 | 259 | 1983 |
Application of ecological principles to the management of endangered species: the case of the red-cockaded woodpecker JR Walters Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 505-523, 1991 | 218 | 1991 |
Status of the California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus) and Efforts to Achieve Its Recovery JR Walters, SR Derrickson, D Michael Fry, SM Haig, JM Marzluff, ... The Auk 127 (4), 969-1001, 2010 | 210 | 2010 |
Interventions and the development of dominance relationships in female baboons J Walters Folia primatologica 34 (1-2), 61-89, 1980 | 209 | 1980 |
The red-cockaded woodpecker: surviving in a fire-maintained ecosystem R Conner, DC Rudolph, JR Walters University of Texas Press, 2001 | 206 | 2001 |
Test of the ecological basis of cooperative breeding in red-cockaded woodpeckers JR Walters, CK Copeyon, JH Carter Iii The Auk, 90-97, 1992 | 199 | 1992 |
An individual-based, spatially-explicit simulation model of the population dynamics of the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker, Picoides borealis BH Letcher, JA Priddy, JR Walters, LB Crowder Biological Conservation 86 (1), 1-14, 1998 | 183 | 1998 |
Inbreeding depression and its effects on natal dispersal in red-cockaded woodpeckers SJ Daniels, JR Walters The Condor 102 (3), 482-491, 2000 | 179 | 2000 |
Human immunodeficiency virus–associated pericardial effusion: report of 40 cases and review of the literature Y Chen, D Brennessel, J Walters, M Johnson, F Rosner, M Raza American heart journal 137 (3), 516-521, 1999 | 178 | 1999 |
Experimental evidence of disrupted dispersal causing decline of an Australian passerine in fragmented habitat CB Cooper, JR Walters Conservation Biology 16 (2), 471-478, 2002 | 163 | 2002 |
Evaluating management alternatives for red-cockaded woodpeckers: a modeling approach SS Heppell, JR Walters, LB Crowder The Journal of wildlife management, 479-487, 1994 | 147 | 1994 |
Social and environmental factors affect natal dispersal and philopatry of male red‐cockaded woodpeckers G Pasinelli, JR Walters Ecology 83 (8), 2229-2239, 2002 | 135 | 2002 |
Extinction debt or habitat change?–Ongoing losses of woodland birds in north-eastern New South Wales, Australia HA Ford, JR Walters, CB Cooper, SJS Debus, VAJ Doerr Biological conservation 142 (12), 3182-3190, 2009 | 133 | 2009 |
Defining and evaluating the umbrella species concept for conserving and restoring landscape connectivity IAN Breckheimer, NM Haddad, WF Morris, AM Trainor, WR Fields, ... Conservation biology 28 (6), 1584-1593, 2014 | 129 | 2014 |
Empirical estimation of dispersal resistance surfaces: a case study with red-cockaded woodpeckers AM Trainor, JR Walters, WF Morris, J Sexton, A Moody Landscape ecology 28, 755-767, 2013 | 124 | 2013 |
Genetic and environmental influences on natal dispersal distance in a resident bird species G Pasinelli, K Schiegg, JR Walters The American Naturalist 164 (5), 660-669, 2004 | 119 | 2004 |
Delayed dispersal and reproduction as a life-history tactic in cooperative breeders: fitness calculations from red-cockaded woodpeckers JR Walters, PD Doerr, JH Carter III The American Naturalist 139 (3), 623-643, 1992 | 119 | 1992 |