Eugenia Kovatcheva
Eugenia Kovatcheva
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
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Cited by
Second handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education
J Voogt
(No Title), 2018
Competence Based Framework for Curriculum Development
R Nikolov, E Shoikova, E Kovatcheva
Za bukvite O’pismenah, Sofia, ISBN: 978-619-185-015-0, ISBN online: 978-619 …, 2014
Learning in a Smart City Environment
R Nikolov, E Shoikova, M Krumova, E Kovatcheva, VDA Chikalanov
Journal of Communication and Computer, 338-350, 2016
Conceptualising of smart education.
E Shoikova, R Nikolov, E Kovatcheva
Electrotechnica & Electronica (E+ E) 52, 2017
One Approach for Identification of Brain Signals for Smart Devices Control.
GP Dimitrov, GS Panayotova, E Kovatcheva, D Borissova, P Petrov
J. Softw. 13 (7), 407-413, 2018
Designing Blended, Flexible, and Personalized Learning
KEP Pratt Keryn.
Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education, 2018
Smart Digital Education Enhanced By Ar And IoT Data
E Shoikova, R Nikolov, E Kovatcheva
INTED2018 Proceedings, 2018
Discover the Thracians–An Approach for Use of 2D and 3D Technologies for Digitization of Cultural Heritage in the Field of E-learning
E Kovatcheva, O Konstantinov, R Nikolov, V Fol
Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage …, 2012
An adaptive feedback approach for e-learning systems
E Kovatcheva, R Nikolov
IMCL2008 Conference, 1, 2008
An analysis of the new challenges facing cyber security expertise
W Dimitrov, B Jekov, E Kovatcheva, L Petkova
EDULEARN20 proceedings, 2978-2986, 2020
Innovative Experience In Undergraduate Education Of Software Professionals-Project-Based Learning In Data Structure And Programming
M Todorova, H Hristov, E Stefanova, N Nikolova, E Kovatcheva
ICERI2010 Proceedings, 5141-5150, 2010
Like a (School of) Fish in Water (or ICT-Enhanced Skills in Action), Informatics Education–Supporting Computational Thinking
E Sendova, E Stefanova, N Nikolova, E Kovatcheva
Proceeding of the 3-rd International Conference on Informatics in Secondary …, 2008
User experience design models for internet of things
E Kovatcheva
Serdica Journal of Computing 12 (1-2), 65-82, 2018
Gamification In Cultural And Historical Heritage Education
O Konstantinov, E Kovatcheva, N Palikova
INTED2018 Proceedings, 2018
STEAME model in action: challenges and solutions in mastering the digital culture
E Kovatcheva, M Koleva
E-Learning and Digital Education in the Twenty-First Century-Challenges and …, 2021
Increasing the classification accuracy of EEG based brain-computer interface signals
G Dimitrov, P Petrov, I Dimitrova, G Panayotova, I Garvanov, O Bychkov, ...
2020 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2020
Identification of EEG brain waves obtained by Emotive device
GP Dimitrov, M Garvanova, E Kovatcheva, KV Aleksiev, I Dimitrova
2019 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2019
Web-based youth communities in the light of cyberspace psychology
E Kovatcheva, P Kommers
International Journal of Web Based Communities 1 (1), 46-57, 2004
Myths and Realities about Technology Enhanced Learning
E Stefanova, N Nikolova, E Kovatcheva, P Boytchev, E Sendova
Demetra EOOD, 2009
IT for innovative educational environments: exploring, authoring and programming
P Boytchev, S Kamenova, E Sendova, E Stefanova, E Kovatcheva, ...
Proceedings of International Conference for Interactive Computer Aided …, 2009
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Articles 1–20