Pierre GIBOT
Pierre GIBOT
CNRS researcher, LRCS UMR 7314 CNRS/UPJV
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Room-temperature single-phase Li insertion/extraction in nanoscale LixFePO4
P Gibot, M Casas-Cabanas, L Laffont, S Levasseur, P Carlach, S Hamelet, ...
Nature materials 7 (9), 741-747, 2008
Study of the LiFePO4/FePO4 Two-Phase System by High-Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
L Laffont, C Delacourt, P Gibot, MY Wu, P Kooyman, C Masquelier, ...
Chemistry of materials 18 (23), 5520-5529, 2006
The effects of moderate thermal treatments under air on LiFePO 4-based nano powders
S Hamelet, P Gibot, M Casas-Cabanas, D Bonnin, CP Grey, J Cabana, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 19 (23), 3979-3991, 2009
High resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy of manganese oxides: Application to Mn3O4 nanoparticles
L Laffont, P Gibot
Materials characterization 61 (11), 1268-1273, 2010
Original synthesis of chromium (III) oxide nanoparticles
P Gibot, L Vidal
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 (4), 911-915, 2010
New carbons with controlled nanoporosity obtained by nanocasting using a SBA-15 mesoporous silica host matrix and different preparation routes
J Parmentier, S Saadhallah, M Reda, P Gibot, M Roux, L Vidal, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 65 (2-3), 139-146, 2004
The synthesis of SiC and TiC protective coatings for carbon fibers by the reactive replica process
R Gadiou, S Serverin, P Gibot, C Vix-Guterl
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28 (11), 2265-2274, 2008
Hydrophilic and hydrophobic nano-sized Mn3O4 particles
P Gibot, L Laffont
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (2), 695-701, 2007
Formation of tubular silicon carbide from a carbon–silica material by using a reactive replica technique: infra-red characterisation
C Vix-Guterl, I Alix, P Gibot, P Ehrburger
Applied surface science 210 (3-4), 329-337, 2003
Modulation of the Reactivity of a WO3/Al Energetic Material with Graphitized Carbon Black as Additive
A Bach, P Gibot, L Vidal, R Gadiou, D Spitzer
Journal of Energetic Materials 33 (4), 260-276, 2015
Enhancement of the graphitic carbon nitride surface properties from calcium salts as templates
P Gibot, F Schnell, D Spitzer
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 219, 42-47, 2016
(Co, Fe) Pt nanoparticles by aqueous route; self-assembling, thermal and magnetic properties
P Gibot, E Tronc, C Chaneac, JP Jolivet, D Fiorani, AM Testa
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2005
Safer and performing energetic materials based on polyaniline-doped nanocomposites
P Gibot, A Bach, L Vidal, F Schnell, R Gadiou, D Spitzer
Journal of Energetic Materials 35 (2), 136-147, 2017
Highly Insensitive/Reactive Thermite Prepared from Cr2O3 Nanoparticles
P Gibot, M Comet, A Eichhorn, F Schnell, O Muller, F Ciszek, Y Boehrer, ...
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 36 (1), 80-87, 2011
Preparation of explosive nanoparticles in a porous chromium (III) oxide matrix: a first attempt to control the reactivity of explosives
M Comet, B Siegert, V Pichot, P Gibot, D Spitzer
Nanotechnology 19 (28), 285716, 2008
Synthesis of WO3 nanoparticles for superthermites by the template method from silica spheres
P Gibot, M Comet, L Vidal, F Moitrier, F Lacroix, Y Suma, F Schnell, ...
Solid State Sciences 13 (5), 908-914, 2011
Study of the structural evolutions of mesoporous MCM-48 silica infiltrated with carbon by different techniques
J Parmentier, C Vix-Guterl, P Gibot, M Reda, M Ilescu, J Werckmann, ...
Microporous and mesoporous materials 62 (1-2), 87-96, 2003
Optical limiting properties of templated Cr2O3 and WO3 nanoparticles
O Muller, P Gibot
Optical Materials 95, 109220, 2019
Centimetric-sized chromium (III) oxide object synthesized by means of the carbon template replication
P Gibot
Ceramics 3 (1), 92-100, 2020
Formation of HxN-rich graphitic carbon nitride network from guanidine carbonate salt by pyrolysis
P Gibot, P Fioux, F Schnell, D Spitzer
Diamond and Related Materials 59, 7-12, 2015
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Articles 1–20