Leif Egil Loe
Temporal scales, trade‐offs, and functional responses in red deer habitat selection
IMR Godvik, LE Loe, JO Vik, VØ Veiberg, R Langvatn, A Mysterud
Ecology 90 (3), 699-710, 2009
A migratory northern ungulate in the pursuit of spring: jumping or surfing the green wave?
R Bischof, LE Loe, EL Meisingset, B Zimmermann, B Van Moorter, ...
The American Naturalist 180 (4), 407-424, 2012
Empirical evidence of density‐dependence in populations of large herbivores
C Bonenfant, JM Gaillard, T Coulson, M Festa‐Bianchet, A Loison, ...
Advances in ecological research 41, 313-357, 2009
What determines variation in home range size across spatiotemporal scales in a large browsing herbivore?
FM van Beest, IM Rivrud, LE Loe, JM Milner, A Mysterud
Journal of Animal Ecology 80 (4), 771-785, 2011
Warmer and wetter winters: characteristics and implications of an extreme weather event in the High Arctic
BB Hansen, K Isaksen, RE Benestad, J Kohler, ÅØ Pedersen, LE Loe, ...
Environmental Research Letters 9 (11), 114021, 2014
Forage quantity, quality and depletion as scale‐dependent mechanisms driving habitat selection of a large browsing herbivore
FM Van Beest, A Mysterud, LE Loe, JM Milner
Journal of Animal Ecology 79 (4), 910-922, 2010
Partial migration in expanding red deer populations at northern latitudes–a role for density dependence?
A Mysterud, LE Loe, B Zimmermann, R Bischof, V Veiberg, E Meisingset
Oikos 120 (12), 1817-1825, 2011
Living and dying in a multi‐predator landscape of fear: roe deer are squeezed by contrasting pattern of predation risk imposed by lynx and humans
K Lone, LE Loe, T Gobakken, JDC Linnell, J Odden, J Remmen, ...
Oikos 123 (6), 641-651, 2014
Contrasting effects of summer and winter warming on body mass explain population dynamics in a food‐limited Arctic herbivore
SD Albon, RJ Irvine, O Halvorsen, R Langvatn, LE Loe, E Ropstad, ...
Global change biology 23 (4), 1374-1389, 2017
An adaptive behavioural response to hunting: surviving male red deer shift habitat at the onset of the hunting season
K Lone, LE Loe, EL Meisingset, I Stamnes, A Mysterud
Animal Behaviour 102, 127-138, 2015
Climate predictability and breeding phenology in red deer: timing and synchrony of rutting and calving in Norway and France
LE Loe, C Bonenfant, A Mysterud, JM Gaillard, R Langvatn, F Klein, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 74 (4), 579-588, 2005
How does local weather predict red deer home range size at different temporal scales?
IM Rivrud, LE Loe, A Mysterud
Journal of Animal Ecology 79 (6), 1280-1295, 2010
Congruent responses to weather variability in high arctic herbivores
A Stien, RA Ims, SD Albon, E Fuglei, RJ Irvine, E Ropstad, O Halvorsen, ...
Biology letters 8 (6), 1002-1005, 2012
Multiple causes of sexual segregation in European red deer: enlightenments from varying breeding phenology at high and low latitude
C Bonenfant, LE Loe, A Mysterud, R Langvatn, NC Stenseth, JM Gaillard, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Monitoring population size of red deer Cervus elaphus: an evaluation of two types of census data from Norway
A Mysterud, EL Meisingset, V Veiberg, R Langvatn, EJ Solberg, LE Loe, ...
Wildlife Biology 13 (3), 285-298, 2007
Activity pattern of arctic reindeer in a predator-free environment: no need to keep a daily rhythm
LE Loe, C Bonenfant, A Mysterud, T Severinsen, NA Øritsland, ...
Oecologia 152, 617-624, 2007
Fitness consequences of environmental conditions at different life stages in a long-lived vertebrate
M Douhard, F Plard, JM Gaillard, G Capron, D Delorme, F Klein, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1785), 20140276, 2014
Icing events trigger range displacement in a high‐arctic ungulate
A Stien, LE Loe, A Mysterud, T Severinsen, J Kohler, R Langvatn
Ecology 91 (3), 915-920, 2010
Red deer habitat selection and movements in relation to roads
EL Meisingset, LE Loe, Ø Brekkum, B Van Moorter, A Mysterud
The Journal of Wildlife Management 77 (1), 181-191, 2013
Testing five hypotheses of sexual segregation in an arctic ungulate
LE Loe, RJ Irvine, C Bonenfant, A Stien, R Langvatn, SD Albon, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 75 (2), 485-496, 2006
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