Jason P. Killgore
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Cited by
Viscoelastic property mapping with contact resonance force microscopy
JP Killgore, DG Yablon, AH Tsou, A Gannepalli, PA Yuya, JA Turner, ...
Langmuir 27 (23), 13983-13987, 2011
A readily programmable, fully reversible shape-switching material
MK McBride, AM Martinez, L Cox, M Alim, K Childress, M Beiswinger, ...
Science advances 4 (8), eaat4634, 2018
Effect of elastic deformation on frictional properties of few-layer graphene
A Smolyanitsky, JP Killgore, VK Tewary
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (3), 035412, 2012
Quantitative viscoelastic mapping of polyolefin blends with contact resonance atomic force microscopy
DG Yablon, A Gannepalli, R Proksch, J Killgore, DC Hurley, J Grabowski, ...
Macromolecules 45 (10), 4363-4370, 2012
Quantitative subsurface contact resonance force microscopy of model polymer nanocomposites
JP Killgore, JY Kelly, CM Stafford, MJ Fasolka, DC Hurley
Nanotechnology 22 (17), 175706, 2011
Outcomes and conclusions from the 2018 AM-bench measurements, challenge problems, modeling submissions, and conference
L Levine, B Lane, J Heigel, K Migler, M Stoudt, T Phan, R Ricker, ...
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 9, 1-15, 2020
Engineering plant cell walls: tuning lignin monomer composition for deconstructable biofuel feedstocks or resilient biomaterials
PN Ciesielski, MG Resch, B Hewetson, JP Killgore, A Curtin, N Anderson, ...
Green Chemistry 16 (5), 2627-2635, 2014
Continuous measurement of atomic force microscope tip wear by contact resonance force microscopy
JP Killgore, RH Geiss, DC Hurley
Small 7 (8), 1018-1022, 2011
Nanomechanics of cellulose deformation reveal molecular defects that facilitate natural deconstruction
PN Ciesielski, R Wagner, VS Bharadwaj, J Killgore, A Mittal, GT Beckham, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (20), 9825-9830, 2019
Methylammonium lead iodide grain boundaries exhibit depth-dependent electrical properties
GA MacDonald, M Yang, S Berweger, JP Killgore, P Kabos, JJ Berry, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 9 (12), 3642-3649, 2016
Correlation between barrier layer Tg and a thin-film composite polyamide membrane's performance: Effect of chlorine treatment
SH Maruf, DU Ahn, J Pellegrino, JP Killgore, AR Greenberg, Y Ding
Journal of Membrane Science 405, 167-175, 2012
Anomalous friction in suspended graphene
A Smolyanitsky, JP Killgore
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (12), 125432, 2012
Measurement of viscoelastic loss tangent with contact resonance modes of atomic force microscopy
DC Hurley, SE Campbell, JP Killgore, LM Cox, Y Ding
Macromolecules 46 (23), 9396-9402, 2013
Defining the cardiac fibroblast secretome in a fibrotic microenvironment
TL Ceccato, RB Starbuck, JK Hall, CJ Walker, TE Brown, JP Killgore, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 9 (19), e017025, 2020
Low-force AFM nanomechanics with higher-eigenmode contact resonance spectroscopy
JP Killgore, DC Hurley
Nanotechnology 23 (5), 055702, 2012
Contact resonance force microscopy for viscoelastic property measurements: from fundamentals to state-of-the-art applications
JP Killgore, FW DelRio
Macromolecules 51 (18), 6977-6996, 2018
Morphing metal-polymer janus particles.
LM Cox, JP Killgore, Z Li, Z Zhang, DC Hurley, J Xiao, Y Ding
Wiley, 2014
Influence of support-layer deformation on the intrinsic resistance of thin film composite membranes
M Aghajani, M Wang, LM Cox, JP Killgore, AR Greenberg, Y Ding
Journal of membrane science 567, 49-57, 2018
Influences of substrate adhesion and particle size on the shape memory effect of polystyrene particles
LM Cox, JP Killgore, Z Li, R Long, AW Sanders, J Xiao, Y Ding
Langmuir 32 (15), 3691-3698, 2016
Molecular mobility and transitions in complex organic systems studied by shear force microscopy
T Gray, J Killgore, J Luo, AKY Jen, RM Overney
Nanotechnology 18 (4), 044009, 2006
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Articles 1–20