Lubomir Dimitrov
Lubomir Dimitrov
Потвърден имейл адрес: tu-sofia.bg
Application of ultrasonic sensor for measuring distances in robotics
VA Zhmud, NO Kondratiev, KA Kuznetsov, VG Trubin, LV Dimitrov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1015 (3), 032189, 2018
Calculation of regulators for the problems of mechatronics by means of the numerical optimization method
V Zhmud, L Dimitrov, O Yadrishnikov
2014 12th International Conference on Actual Problems of Electronics …, 2014
Управление обоснованным энергосбережением как залог экономии топливно-энергетических ресурсов
ВИ Бирюлин, ОМ Ларин, АН Горлов, ДВ Куделина, ВД Любомир
Modern Economy Success, 68, 2017
Survey of quality models of e-learning systems
V Nikolić, J Kaljevic, S Jović, D Petković, M Milovančević, L Dimitrov, ...
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 511, 324-330, 2018
Optoelectronic intellectual systems for monitoring of Earth seismic dynamics: results and developing directions
V Zhmud, V Semibalamut, L Dimitrov, M Parushkin, Y Fomin
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 3, 567-574, 2016
Identifying vehicle and collision impact by applying the principle of conservation of mechanical energy
S Karapetkov, L Dimitrov, H Uzunov, S Dechkova
Transport and Telecommunication Journal 20 (3), 191-204, 2019
Software structure for the laser sensor of the Earth crust Lunar-Solar tide deformations
V Zhmud, V Semibalamut, L Dimitrov, D Tereshkin
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 3, 615-622, 2016
Designing of the precision automatic control systems
VA Zhmud, L Dimitrov
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2017
Design of robust systems by means of the numerical optimization with harmonic changing of the model parameters
VA Zhmud, IL Reva, LV Dimitrov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 803 (1), 012185, 2017
Прикладные аспекты использования алгоритмов ранжирования для ориентированных взвешенных графов (на примере графов социальных сетей)
ВВ Печенкин, МС Королёв, ЛВ Димитров
Информатика и автоматизация 6 (61), 94-118, 2018
The increase of the accuracy of the laser-based measurement of ultra-low tidal deformation of rocks
V Zhmud, V Semibalamut, L Dimitrov, Y Fomin
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 17, 1069-1076, 2017
Ультразвуковой датчик измерения расстояния HC-SR04
ВА Жмудь, КА Кузнецов, НО Кондратьев, ВГ Трубин, Л Димитров
Автоматика и программная инженерия, 18-26, 2017
Examination of vehicle impact against stationary roadside objects
S Karapetkov, L Dimitrov, H Uzuniv, S Dechkova
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 659 (1), 012063, 2019
Experience of international collaboration in preparation of masters in “Mechatronics” with call for funds from Tempus and Erasmus programs
VA Zhmud, GA Frantsuzova, LV Dimitrov, J Nosek
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1015 (3), 032190, 2018
Designing of complete multi-channel PD-regulators by numerical optimization with simulation
V Zhmud, L Dimitrov
2015 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON …, 2015
Nonlinear path control for a differential-drive mobile robot
P Petrov, L Dimitrov
Recent Journal 11 (1), 41-45, 2010
Investigation of contact fatigue of high strength steel gears subjected to surface treatment
L Dimitrov, D Michalopoulos, CA Apostolopoulos, TD Neshkov
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 18, 939-946, 2009
Detection of unrevealed non-linearities in the layout of the balancing robot
A Ivoilov, V Zhmud, V Trubin, L Dimitrov
2016 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON …, 2016
Modification of optoelectronic intellectual systems for absolute measurements in monitoring of earth seismic dynamics
V Zhmud, V Semibalamut, L Dimitrov, A Taichenachev
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 17, 999-1004, 2017
The Phase Locking System for the Frequency Locking of Lasers for Geoinformatics
V Zhmud, V Semibalamut, L Dimitrov, A Taichenachev
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 18 (2.2), 491-498, 2018
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