Çetin Ilgaz
Çetin Ilgaz
Biyoloji Profesörü, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi
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Multilocus phylogeny and coalescent species delimitation in Kotschy's gecko, Mediodactylus kotschyi: Hidden diversity and cryptic species
P Kotsakiozi, D Jablonski, Ç Ilgaz, Y Kumlutaş, A Avcı, S Meiri, Y Itescu, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 125, 177-187, 2018
Sex ratio estimations of loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings by histological examination and nest temperatures at Fethiye beach, Turkey
Y Kaska, Ç Ilgaz, A Özdemir, E Başkale, O Türkozan, İ Baran, ...
Naturwissenschaften 93, 338-343, 2006
Molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the Anatolian lizard Apathya (Squamata, Lacertidae)
P Kapli, D Botoni, Ç Ilgaz, Y Kumlutaş, A Avcı, N Rastegar-Pouyani, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66 (3), 992-1001, 2013
Rapid lizard radiation lacking niche conservatism: ecological diversification within a complex landscape
F Ahmadzadeh, M Flecks, MA Carretero, W Böhme, C Ilgaz, JO Engler, ...
Journal of Biogeography 40 (9), 1807-1818, 2013
Multiple dispersal out of Anatolia: biogeography and evolution of oriental green lizards
F Ahmadzadeh, M Flecks, D Rödder, W Böhme, Ç Ilgaz, DJ Harris, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110 (2), 398-408, 2013
Phylogeography of the Lacerta viridis complex: mitochondrial and nuclear markers provide taxonomic insights
E Marzahn, W Mayer, U Joger, Ç Ilgaz, D Jablonski, C Kindler, ...
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 54 (2), 85-105, 2016
Phylogeography of the ocellated skink Chalcides ocellatus (Squamata, Scincidae), with the use of mtDNA sequences: A hitch-hiker’s guide to the Mediterranean
P Kornilios, P Kyriazi, N Poulakakis, Y Kumlutaş, Ç Ilgaz, M Mylonas, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54 (2), 445-456, 2010
The role of Anatolian refugia in herpetofaunal diversity: an mtDNA analysis of Typhlops vermicularis Merrem, 1820 (Squamata, Typhlopidae)
P Kornilios, Ç Ilgaz, Y Kumlutaş, S Giokas, S Fraguedakis-Tsolis, ...
Amphibia-Reptilia 32 (3), 351-363, 2011
Phylogeography of a cryptic speciation continuum in Eurasian spadefoot toads (Pelobates)
C Dufresnes, I Strachinis, N Suriadna, G Mykytynets, D Cogălniceanu, ...
Molecular Ecology 28 (13), 3257-3270, 2019
Neogene climatic oscillations shape the biogeography and evolutionary history of the Eurasian blindsnake
P Kornilios, Ç Ilgaz, Y Kumlutaş, P Lymberakis, J Moravec, R Sindaco, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62 (3), 856-873, 2012
An overview of biodiversity and conservation status of steppes of the Anatolian Biogeographical Region
D Ambarlı, US Zeydanlı, Ö Balkız, S Aslan, E Karacetin, M Sözen, C Ilgaz, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 25, 2491-2519, 2016
Parthenogenesis through the ice ages: a biogeographic analysis of Caucasian rock lizards (genus Darevskia)
S Freitas, S Rocha, J Campos, F Ahmadzadeh, C Corti, N Sillero, Ç Ilgaz, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 102, 117-127, 2016
Comparative phylogeography of six herpetofauna species in Cyprus: late Miocene to Pleistocene colonization routes
N Poulakakis, P Kapli, A Kardamaki, E Skourtanioti, B Göcmen, Ç Ilgaz, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108 (3), 619-635, 2013
A reinvestigation of phylogeny and divergence times of the Ablepharus kitaibelii species complex (Sauria, Scincidae) based on mtDNA and nuDNA genes
E Skourtanioti, P Kapli, Ç Ilgaz, Y Kumlutaş, A Avcı, F Ahmadzadeh, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 103, 199-214, 2016
Age structure and body size in three populations of Darevskia rudis (Bedriaga, 1886) from different altitudes
S Gül, N Özdemir, Y Kumlutaş, C Ilgaz
Osterreichische Gesellschaft Herpetologie EV, 2014
Comparative phylogeography reveals distinct colonization patterns of C retan snakes
P Kyriazi, P Kornilios, ZT Nagy, N Poulakakis, Y Kumlutaş, Ç Ilgaz, A Avcı, ...
Journal of Biogeography 40 (6), 1143-1155, 2013
The biogeography of Elaphe sauromates (Pallas, 1814), with a description of a new rat snake species
D Jablonski, OV Kukushkin, A Avcı, S Bunyatova, Y Kumlutaş, Ç Ilgaz, ...
PeerJ 7, e6944, 2019
On two herpetological collections made in East Anatolia (Turkey)
Y Kaska, K Olgun, O Türkozan, F Ïret
Herpetozoa 16, 99-11, 2004
External morphology and osteology of Darevskia rudis (Bedriaga, 1886), with a taxonomic revision of the Pontic and Small-Caucasus populations (Squamata: Lacertidae)
O Arribas, C Ilgaz, Y Kumlutaş, SH Durmuş, A Avcı, N Üzüm
Zootaxa 3626 (4), 401-428, 2013
Description of four new Asaccus Dixon and Anderson, 1973 (Reptilia: Phyllodactylidae) from Iran and Turkey
F Torki, F Ahmadzadeh, Ç Ilgaz, A Avcı, Y Kumlutaş
Amphibia-Reptilia 32 (2), 185-202, 2011
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Articles 1–20