Børge Moe
Børge Moe
Потвърден имейл адрес: nina.no
Multicolony tracking reveals the winter distribution of a pelagic seabird on an ocean basin scale
M Frederiksen, B Moe, F Daunt, RA Phillips, RT Barrett, MI Bogdanova, ...
Diversity and distributions 18 (6), 530-542, 2012
To breed or not to breed: endocrine response to mercury contamination by an Arctic seabird
S Tartu, A Goutte, P Bustamante, F Angelier, B Moe, C Clément-Chastel, ...
Biology letters 9 (4), 20130317, 2013
Climate change and phenological responses of two seabird species breeding in the high-Arctic
B Moe, L Stempniewicz, D Jakubas, F Angelier, O Chastel, F Dinessen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 393, 235-246, 2009
Climate change and the increasing impact of polar bears on bird populations
J Prop, J Aars, BJ Bårdsen, SA Hanssen, C Bech, S Bourgeon, J de Fouw, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 33, 2015
Black-legged kittiwakes as messengers of Atlantification in the Arctic
M Vihtakari, J Welcker, B Moe, O Chastel, S Tartu, H Hop, C Bech, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1178, 2018
Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds
K Keogan, F Daunt, S Wanless, RA Phillips, CA Walling, P Agnew, ...
Nature Climate Change 8 (4), 313-318, 2018
Age‐specific reproductive success in a long‐lived bird: do older parents resist stress better?
F Angelier, B Moe, H Weimerskirch, O Chastel
Journal of Animal Ecology 76 (6), 1181-1191, 2007
Basal metabolic rate: heritability and genetic correlations with morphological traits in the zebra finch
B Rønning, H Jensen, B Moe, C Bech
Journal of evolutionary biology 20 (5), 1815-1822, 2007
Survival rate and breeding outputs in a high Arctic seabird exposed to legacy persistent organic pollutants and mercury
A Goutte, C Barbraud, D Herzke, P Bustamante, F Angelier, S Tartu, ...
Environmental Pollution 200, 1-9, 2015
Changes in body condition in breeding kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla
B Moe, I Langseth, M Fyhn, GW Gabrielsen, C Bech
Journal of Avian Biology 33 (3), 225-234, 2002
Long-term repeatability makes basal metabolic rate a likely heritable trait in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata
B Rønning, B Moe, C Bech
Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (24), 4663-4669, 2005
Long-term survival effect of corticosterone manipulation in black-legged kittiwakes
A Goutte, F Angelier, J Welcker, B Moe, C Clément-Chastel, ...
General and comparative endocrinology 167 (2), 246-251, 2010
Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic
TE Davies, APB Carneiro, M Tarzia, E Wakefield, JC Hennicke, ...
Conservation Letters 14 (5), e12824, 2021
Individual Variation in Field Metabolic Rate of Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) during the Chick-Rearing Period
M Fyhn, GW Gabrielsen, ES Nordøy, B Moe, I Langseth, C Bech
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 74 (3), 343-355, 2001
Multicolony tracking reveals potential threats to little auks wintering in the N orth A tlantic from marine pollution and shrinking sea ice cover
J Fort, B Moe, H Strøm, D Grémillet, J Welcker, J Schultner, K Jerstad, ...
Diversity and Distributions 19 (10), 1322-1332, 2013
The status and trends of seabirds breeding in Norway and Svalbard
P Fauchald, T Anker-Nilssen, R Barrett, JO Bustnes, BJ Bårdsen, ...
Norsk institutt for naturforskning, 2015
Strongly increasing blood concentrations of lipid-soluble organochlorines in high arctic common eiders during incubation fast
JO Bustnes, B Moe, D Herzke, SA Hanssen, T Nordstad, K Sagerup, ...
Chemosphere 79 (3), 320-325, 2010
Developmental plasticity of physiology and morphology in diet-restricted European shag nestlings (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
B Moe, S Brunvoll, D Mork, TE Brobakk, C Bech
Journal of Experimental Biology 207 (23), 4067-4076, 2004
Trans-Equatorial Migration Routes, Staging Sites and Wintering Areas of a High-Arctic Avian Predator: The Long-tailed Skua (Stercorarius longicaudus)
O Gilg, B Moe, SA Hanssen, NM Schmidt, B Sittler, J Hansen, ...
PloS one 8 (5), e64614, 2013
Stress and the timing of breeding: glucocorticoid-luteinizing hormones relationships in an arctic seabird
A Goutte, F Angelier, CC Chastel, C Trouvé, B Moe, C Bech, ...
General and Comparative Endocrinology 169 (1), 108-116, 2010
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