O. Zeynep Aksin
The modern call center: A multi‐disciplinary perspective on operations management research
Z Aksin, M Armony, V Mehrotra
Production and operations management 16 (6), 665-688, 2007
Effective strategies for internal outsourcing and offshoring of business services: An empirical investigation
OZ Aksin, A Masini
Journal of Operations Management 26 (2), 239-256, 2008
The impact of retrials on call center performance
S Aguir, F Karaesmen, OZ Akşin, F Chauvet
Or Spectrum 26, 353-376, 2004
Structural estimation of callers' delay sensitivity in call centers
Z Akşin, B Ata, SM Emadi, CL Su
Management Science 59 (12), 2727-2746, 2013
Call centers with delay information: Models and insights
O Jouini, Z Akşin, Y Dallery
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 13 (4), 534-548, 2011
Call center outsourcing contract analysis and choice
OZ Akşin, F De Véricourt, F Karaesmen
Management Science 54 (2), 354-368, 2008
Impact of delay announcements in call centers: An empirical approach
Z Akşin, B Ata, SM Emadi, CL Su
Operations Research 65 (1), 242-265, 2017
Queueing models for full-flexible multi-class call centers with real-time anticipated delays
O Jouini, Y Dallery, Z Akşin
International Journal of Production Economics 120 (2), 389-399, 2009
To sell or not to sell: Determining the trade-offs between service and sales in retail banking phone centers
OZ Aksin, PT Harker
Journal of Service Research 2 (1), 19-33, 1999
On the interaction between retrials and sizing of call centers
MS Aguir, OZ Akşin, F Karaesmen, Y Dallery
European Journal of Operational Research 191 (2), 398-408, 2008
Characterizing the performance of process flexibility structures
OZ Akşin, F Karaesmen
Operations Research Letters 35 (4), 477-484, 2007
Capacity sizing in the presence of a common shared resource: Dimensioning an inbound call center
OZ Akşin, PT Harker
European Journal of Operational Research 147 (3), 464-483, 2003
Learning from many: Partner exposure and team familiarity in fluid teams
Z Akşin, S Deo, JO Jónasson, K Ramdas
Management Science 67 (2), 854-874, 2021
Modeling customer reactions to sales attempts: If cross-selling backfires
ED Güneş, OZ Akşin, EL Örmeci, SH Özden
Journal of Service Research 13 (2), 168-183, 2010
Workforce cross training in call centers from an operations management perspective
OZ Aksin, F Karaesmen, EL Ormeci, D Nembhard
Workforce cross training handbook, 211-240, 2007
Modeling a phone center: Analysis of a multichannel, multiresource processor shared loss system
OZ Akşin, PT Harker
Management Science 47 (2), 324-336, 2001
Value creation in service delivery: Relating market segmentation, incentives, and operational performance
ED Güneş, OZ Akşin
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 6 (4), 338-357, 2004
Breast cancer screening services: trade-offs in quality, capacity, outreach, and centralization
ED Güneş, SE Chick, OZ Akşin
Health Care Management Science 7, 291-303, 2004
Designing flexibility: Characterizing the value of cross-training practices
OZ Aksin, F Karaesmen
Koc University, Turkey. Under review, 2002
Call center delay announcement using a newsvendor‐like performance criterion
O Jouini, OZ Akşin, F Karaesmen, MS Aguir, Y Dallery
Production and Operations Management 24 (4), 587-604, 2015
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