Tiago Pinto Carvalho
Tiago Pinto Carvalho
Assistant Professor; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (grid.41312.35 / ROR 03etyjw28)
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Latest advances on bacterial cellulose‐based materials for wound healing, delivery systems, and tissue engineering
T Carvalho, G Guedes, FL Sousa, CSR Freire, HA Santos
Biotechnology journal 14 (12), 1900059, 2019
Guia de identificação dos peixes da bacia do rio Tramandaí
LR Malabarba, PC Neto, VA Bertaco, TP Carvalho, JF Santos, LGS Artioli
Porto Alegre: Via Sapiens, 2013
Neogene assembly of modern faunas
JS Albert, TP Carvalho
Historical biogeography of neotropical freshwater fishes, 119-136, 2011
The amazon-paraguay divide
TP Carvalho, JS Albert
Historical biogeography of Neotropical freshwater fishes 1, 193-202, 2011
Aquatic biodiversity in the Amazon: habitat specialization and geographic isolation promote species richness
JS Albert, TP Carvalho, P Petry, MA Holder, EL Maxime, J Espino, ...
Animals 1 (2), 205-241, 2011
Four new species of Hisonotus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from the upper rio Uruguay, southeastern South America, with a review of the genus in the rio Uruguay basin
TP Carvalho, RE Reis
Zootaxa 2113 (1), 1-40, 2009
A new genus and species of characid fish from the Amazon basin: the recognition of a relictual lineage of characid fishes (Ostariophysi: Cheirodontinae: Cheirodontini)
CM Bührnheim, TP Carvalho, LR Malabarba, SH Weitzman
Neotropical Ichthyology 6, 663-678, 2008
Two new species of Hyphessobrycon (Teleostei: Characidae) from upper rio Tapajós basin on Chapada dos Parecis, Central Brazil
TP Carvalho, VA Bertaco
Neotropical Ichthyology 4, 301-308, 2006
Taxonomic review of Hisonotus Eigenmann & Eigenmann (Siluriformes: Loricariidae: Hypoptopomatinae) from the laguna dos Patos system, southern Brazil
TP Carvalho, RE Reis
Neotropical Ichthyology 9, 1-48, 2011
Geographic distributions, phenotypes, and phylogenetic relationships of Phalloceros (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae): insights about diversification among sympatric species pools
AT Thomaz, TP Carvalho, LR Malabarba, LL Knowles
Molecular phylogenetics and Evolution 132, 265-274, 2019
Phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography of Oligosarcus (Teleostei: Characidae): Examining riverine landscape evolution in southeastern South America
EW Wendt, PC Silva, LR Malabarba, TP Carvalho
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 140, 106604, 2019
Redescription and phylogenetic position of the enigmatic Neotropical electric fish Iracema caiana Triques (Gymnotiformes: Rhamphichthyidae) using x-ray computed tomography
TP Carvalho, JS Albert
Neotropical Ichthyology 9, 457-469, 2011
Taxonomical study of Trichomycterus (Siluriformes: Trichomycteridae) from the Ribeira de Iguape River basin reveals a new species recorded in the early 20th …
LM Donin, J Ferrer, TP Carvalho
Journal of Fish Biology 96 (4), 886-904, 2020
Gymnotocinclus anosteos, a new uniquely-plated genus and species of loricariid catfish (Teleostei: Siluriformes) from the upper rio Tocantins basin, central Brazil
TP Carvalho, P Lehmann A, RE Reis
Neotropical Ichthyology 6, 329-338, 2008
Gelatin‐lysozyme nanofibrils electrospun patches with improved mechanical, antioxidant, and bioresorbability properties for myocardial regeneration applications
T Carvalho, NZ Ezazi, A Correia, C Vilela, HA Santos, CSR Freire
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (21), 2113390, 2022
A new species of Gymnorhamphichthys (Gymnotiformes: Rhamphichthyidae) from the Paraná–Paraguay basin
TP Carvalho, CS Ramos, JS Albert
Copeia 2011 (3), 400-406, 2011
Fishes from the lower urubamba river near sepahua, Amazon Basin, Peru
TP Carvalho, J Espino, E Máxime, R Quispe, B Rengifo, H Ortega, ...
Check List 7 (4), 413-442, 2011
Fishes from the upper Yuruá river, Amazon basin, Peru
TP Carvalho, SJ Tang, JI Fredieu, R Quispe, I Corahua, H Orteaga, ...
Check list 5 (3), 673-691, 2009
Systematics and evolution of the toothless knifefishes Rhamphichthyoidea Mago-Leccia (Actinopterygii: Gymnotiformes): diversification in South American freshwaters
TP Carvalho
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2013
Ultra-low noise PEDOT: PSS electrodes on bacterial cellulose: A sensor to access bioelectrical signals in non-electrogenic cells
PMC Inácio, MCR Medeiros, T Carvalho, RC Felix, A Mestre, PC Hubbard, ...
Organic Electronics 85, 105882, 2020
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Articles 1–20