Ramona Schoedel
Ramona Schoedel
LMU Munich, CFH Munich
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Predicting personality from patterns of behavior collected with smartphones
C Stachl, Q Au, R Schoedel, SD Gosling, GM Harari, D Buschek, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (30), 17680-17687, 2020
Personality research and assessment in the era of machine learning
C Stachl, F Pargent, S Hilbert, GM Harari, R Schoedel, S Vaid, SD Gosling, ...
European Journal of Personality 34 (5), 613-631, 2020
Developing a Personality Model for Speech-based Conversational Agents Using the Psycholexical Approach
ST Völkel, R Schoedel, D Buschek, C Stachl, V Winterhalter, M Bühner, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Personality Sensing for Theory Development and Assessment in the Digital Age
GM Harari, SS Vaid, SR Müller, C Stachl, Z Marrero, R Schoedel, ...
European Journal of Personality, 0
How to e-mental health: a guideline for researchers and practitioners using digital technology in the context of mental health
C Seiferth, L Vogel, B Aas, I Brandhorst, P Carlbring, A Conzelmann, ...
Nature Mental Health 1 (8), 542-554, 2023
To challenge the morning lark and the night owl: Using smartphone sensing data to investigate day–night behaviour patterns
R Schoedel, F Pargent, Q Au, ST Völkel, T Schuwerk, M Bühner, C Stachl
European Journal of Personality 34 (5), 733-752, 2020
Digital Footprints of Sensation Seeking
R Schoedel, Q Au, ST Völkel, F Lehmann, D Becker, M Bühner, B Bischl, ...
Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2018
Best practices in supervised machine learning: A tutorial for psychologists
F Pargent, R Schoedel, C Stachl
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6 (3 …, 2023
User Perceptions of Extraversion in Chatbots after Repeated Use
ST Völkel, R Schoedel, L Kaya, S Mayer
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-18, 2022
2. Opportunities and challenges of utilizing personality traits for personalization in HCI
ST Völkel, R Schödel, D Buschek, C Stachl, Q Au, B Bischl, M Bühner, ...
Personalized Human-Computer Interaction, 31-64, 2019
Psychological well-being in Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine
J Scharbert, S Humberg, L Kroencke, T Reiter, S Sakel, J Ter Horst, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 1202, 2024
Snapshots of daily life: Situations investigated through the lens of smartphone sensing.
R Schoedel, F Kunz, M Bergmann, F Bemmann, M Bühner, L Sust
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2023
I Drive My Car and My States Drive Me: Visualizing Driver's Emotional and Physical States
ST Völkel, J Graefe, R Schödel, R Häuslschmid, C Stachl, Q Au, ...
Adjunct Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2018
Systematic Categorisation of 3,091 Smartphone Applications From a Large-Scale Smartphone Sensing Dataset
R Schoedel, M Oldemeier, L Bonauer, L Sust
Journal of Open Psychology Data 10 (1), 2022
Does Your Smartphone “Know” Your Social Life? A Methodological Comparison of Day Reconstruction, Experience Sampling, and Mobile Sensing
Y Roos, MD Krämer, D Richter, R Schoedel, C Wrzus
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6 (3 …, 2023
Never miss a beep: Using mobile sensing to investigate (non-) compliance in experience sampling studies
T Reiter, R Schoedel
Behavior Research Methods 56 (4), 4038-4060, 2024
Social dynamics and affect: Investigating within-person associations in daily life using experience sampling and mobile sensing.
MD Krämer, Y Roos, R Schoedel, C Wrzus, D Richter
Emotion 24 (3), 878, 2024
Personality Computing With Naturalistic Music Listening Behavior: Comparing Audio and Lyrics Preferences
L Sust, C Stachl, G Kudchadker, M Bühner, R Schoedel
Collabra: Psychology 9 (1), 2023
Chatbots for Experience Sampling-Initial Opportunities and Challenges
F Bemmanna, R Schoedela, N Van Berkel, D Buschek
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2903, 2021
Mobile sensing in psychological and educational research: Examples from two application fields
E Birtwistle, R Schoedel, F Bemmann, A Wirth, C Sürig, C Stachl, ...
International Journal of Testing 22 (3-4), 264-288, 2022
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