Roiy Sayag
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Cited by
Elastic dynamics and tidal migration of grounding lines modify subglacial lubrication and melting
R Sayag, MG Worster
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (22), 5877-5881, 2013
A “triple sea‐ice state” mechanism for the abrupt warming and synchronous ice sheet collapses during Heinrich events
Y Kaspi, R Sayag, E Tziperman
Paleoceanography 19 (3), 2004
Elastic response of a grounded ice sheet coupled to a floating ice shelf
R Sayag, MG Worster
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (3 …, 2011
Dynamics of the global meridional ice flow of Europa’s icy shell
Y Ashkenazy, R Sayag, E Tziperman
Nature Astronomy 2 (1), 43-49, 2018
Axisymmetric gravity currents of power-law fluids over a rigid horizontal surface
R Sayag, MG Worster
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 716, R5, 2013
Rapid switch‐like sea ice growth and land ice–sea ice hysteresis
R Sayag, E Tziperman, M Ghil
Paleoceanography 19 (1), 2004
Spontaneous generation of pure ice streams via flow instability: Role of longitudinal shear stresses and subglacial till
R Sayag, E Tziperman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 113 (B5), 2008
Spatiotemporal dynamics of ice streams due to a triple-valued sliding law
R Sayag, E Tziperman
Journal of fluid mechanics 640, 483-505, 2009
Interaction and variability of ice streams under a triple‐valued sliding law and non‐Newtonian rheology
R Sayag, E Tziperman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 116 (F1), 2011
Instability of radially spreading extensional flows. Part 1. Experimental analysis
R Sayag, MG Worster
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 881, 722-738, 2019
Instability of radially spreading extensional flows. Part 2. Theoretical analysis
R Sayag, MG Worster
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 881, 739-771, 2019
Propagation of viscous currents on a porous substrate with finite capillary entry pressure
R Sayag, JA Neufeld
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 801, 65-90, 2016
Floating extensional flows
R Sayag, SS Pegler, MG Worster
Physics of Fluids 24 (9), 2012
Rifting of extensional flows on a sphere
R Sayag
Physical Review Letters 123 (21), 214502, 2019
Rapid switch-like sea ice growth and land ice–sea ice hysteresis in a continuous coupled model
R Sayag
MS thesis, Weizmann Inst., Rehovot, Israel, 2003
Dynamics and spatiotemporal variability of ice streams
R Sayag
Harvard University, 2009
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Articles 1–16