Meenakshi Parameshwaran
Cited by
Cited by
Why do long‐serving teachers stay in the teaching profession? Analysing the motivations of teachers with 10 or more years’ experience in England
C Chiong, L Menzies, M Parameshwaran
British Educational Research Journal 43 (6), 1083-1110, 2017
Ethno-religious minorities and labour market integration: generational advancement or decline?
SY Cheung
Migrants and Their Children in Britain, 140-160, 2016
Why teach
L Menzies, M Parameshwaran, A Trethewey, B Shaw, S Baars, C Chiong
LKMco and Person report (http://whyteach. lkmco. org/wpcontent/uploads/2015 …, 2015
Ethnicity in England: What parents' country of birth can and can't tell us about their children's ethnic identification
M Parameshwaran, P Engzell
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (3), 399-424, 2015
The impact of accountability reforms on the Key Stage 4 curriculum: How have changes to school and college Performance Tables affected pupil access to qualifications and …
M Parameshwaran, D Thomson
London Review of Education 13 (2), 157-173, 2015
Low income pupils’ progress at secondary school
B Shaw, S Baars, L Menzies, M Parameshwaran, R Allen
Social Mobility Commision, 2017
How are ethnic inequalities in education changing?
K Lymperopoulou, M Parameshwaran
University of Manchester, Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research, 2014
What factors predict volunteering among youths in the UK
M Bennett, M Parameshwaran
Third Sector Research Centre, Working Paper 102, 2013
Is there an ethnic group educational gap?
K Lymperopoulou, M Parameshwaran
Ethnic identity and inequalities in Britain, 181-198, 2015
Missing Talent. Research Brief. Edition 5.
R Allen
Sutton Trust, 2015
Social and ethnic inequalities in choice available and choices made at age 16
R Allen, M Parameshwaran, D Thomson
Social Mobility Commission, 2016
Properties of commercial tests in the EEF database
R Allen, J Jerrim, M Parameshwaran, D Thompson
Education Endowment Foundation Research Report, 2018
Linking ITT and workforce data: initial teacher training performance profiles and School Workforce Census
R Allen, D Bibby, M Parameshwaran, P Nye
National College for Teaching and Leadership: Nottingham, UK, 2016
Effects of neighbourhood religious diversity and religious and national identity on neighbourhood trust
MR Bennett, M Parameshwaran, K Schmid, M Ramos, M Hewstone
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25 (5), 1248-1268, 2022
The careers of Teach First Ambassadors who remain in teaching: job choices, promotion and school quality
R Allen, M Parameshwaran, P Nye
Education Datalab report, 2016
Caught out: Primary schools, catchment areas and social selection
R Allen, M Parameshwaran
London: The Sutton Trust, 2016
Ethnic differences in language skills: how individual and family characteristics aid and prohibit the linguistic integration of children of immigrants
J Dollmann, F Rudolphi, M Parameshwaran
Oxford University Press, 2018
How are ethnic inequalities in education changing? Dynamics of diversity: evidence from the 2011 census. ESRC Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE), University of Manchester …
K Lymperopoulou, M Parameshwaran
Firing on all cylinders: What makes an effective middle leader
S Baars, M Parameshwaran, L Menzies, C Chiong
London: Teaching Leaders, 2016
Ethnic heterogeneity, ethnic and national identity, and social cohesion in England
D Wiertz, MR Bennett, M Parameshwaran
Social Cohesion and Immigration in Europe and North America: Mechanisms …, 2014
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Articles 1–20