Robert William Rankin
Home range size of adult Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in a coastal and estuarine system is habitat and sex-specific
KR Sprogis, HC Raudino, R Rankin, CD MacLeod, L Bejder
Marine Mammal Science 32 (1), 287--308, 2016
Long-term decline in survival and reproduction of dolphins following a marine heatwave
S Wild, M Krützen, RW Rankin, WJE Hoppitt, L Gerber, SJ Allen
Current Biology 29 (7), R239-R240, 2019
The importance of spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) resting habitat: implications for management
JA Tyne, DW Johnston, R Rankin, NR Loneragan, L Bejder
Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (3), 621--630, 2015
Demographic characteristics of Australian humpback dolphins reveal important habitat toward the south-western limit of their range
T Hunt, L Bejder, SJ Allen, RW Rankin, D Hanf, GJ Parra
Endangered Species Research, 0
Predicting trends in humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) abundance using citizen-science
N Tonachella, A Nastasi, D Maldini, GD Kaufman, RW Rankin
Pacific Conservation Biology 18 (4), 297 -- 309, 2012
A full-capture Hierarchical Bayesian model of Pollock's Closed Robust Design and application to dolphins
RW Rankin, KE Nicholson, SJ Allen, M Krützen, L Bejder, KH Pollock
Frontiers in Marine Science 3 (25), 2016
Photographic Capture-Recapture Analysis Reveals a Large Population of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) With Low Site Fidelity off the North …
R Haughey, T Hunt, D Hanf, RW Rankin, GJ Parra
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 781, 2020
On some recent developments in monetary economics
PD Jonson, RW Rankin
Economic Record 62 (3), 257-267, 1986
Money and the Balance of Payments
HG Johnson
PSL Quarterly Review 29 (116), 1976
A long-term study of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in an Australian industrial estuary: Increased sightings associated with environmental improvements
MI Bossley, A Steiner, RW Rankin, L Bejder
Marine Mammal Science, 2016
The role of weighted and topological network information to understand animal social networks: a null model approach
RW Rankin, J Mann, L Singh, EM Patterson, E Krzyszczyk, L Bejder
Animal Behaviour 113, 215--228, 2016
Monitoring dugongs within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program: final report of the dugong team in the megafauna expert group
H Marsh, R Hagihara, A Hodgson, R Rankin, S Sobtzick
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 2019
Vulnerability of threatened Australian humpback dolphins to flooding and port development within the southern Great Barrier Reef coastal region
D Cagnazzi, GJ Parra, PL Harrison, L Brooks, R Rankin
Global Ecology and Conservation 24, e01203, 2020
Mid-migration humpback whale feeding behavior off Eden, NSW, Australia
IF Silva, GD Kaufman, A Hutsel, A Macie, D Maldini, RW Rankin
63rd Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling …, 2011
Bayesian estimate of Australian humpback whale calving intervals under sparse resighting rates: 1985 – 2009
RW Rankin, D Maldini, GD Kaufman
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 13 (2), 109-121, 2014
Patterns of sea otter haul-out behavior in a California tidal estuary in relation to environmental variables
D Maldini, R Scoles, R Eby, M Cotter, RW Rankin
Northwestern Naturalist 93 (1), 67-78, 2012
Whale surprise encounters and near misses: proxies of vessel strikes in Maui County waters
DT Richardson, IF Silva, A Macie, RW Rankin, D Maldini, GD Kaufman
Document SC/63/BC2 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Tromso, Norway, 2011
Presence and distribution of Hawaiian false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) in Maui County waters: a historical perspective
IF Silva, GD Kaufman, RW Rankin, D Maldini
Aquatic Mammals 39 (4), 409, 2013
Equations of the RBII Model| RDP 8401: The Equations of the RBA82 Model of the Australian Economy
JG Fahrer, RW Rankin, JC Taylor
Reserve Bank of Australia Research Discussion Papers, 1984
Money and the Balance of Payments
PD Jonson, RW Rankin, JC Taylor
Reserve Bank of Australia, 1977
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