Richard Sesek
Barriers to the adoption of wearable sensors in the workplace: A survey of occupational safety and health professionals
MC Schall Jr, RF Sesek, LA Cavuoto
Human factors 60 (3), 351-362, 2018
The Strain Index (SI) and Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for Hand Activity Level (HAL): risk of carpal tunnelsyndrome (CTS) in a prospective cohort
A Garg, J Kapellusch, K Hegmann, J Wertsch, A Merryweather, ...
Ergonomics 55 (4), 396-414, 2012
Correlation of aging effects on creep rate and reliability in lead free solder joints
J Zhang, Z Hai, S Thirugnanasambandam, JL Evans, MJ Bozack, R Sesek, ...
SMTA Journal 25 (3), 19-28, 2012
Comparison of ergonomic risk assessment outputs from Rapid Upper Limb Assessment and the Strain Index for tasks in automotive assembly plants
P Drinkaus, R Sesek, D Bloswick, T Bernard, B Walton, B Joseph, ...
Work 21 (2), 165-172, 2003
A survey of the prevalence of fatigue, its precursors and individual coping mechanisms among US manufacturing workers
L Lu, FM Megahed, RF Sesek, LA Cavuoto
Applied ergonomics 65, 139-151, 2017
Development and validation of an easy-to-use risk assessment tool for cumulative low back loading: The Lifting Fatigue Failure Tool (LiFFT)
S Gallagher, RF Sesek, MC Schall Jr, R Huangfu
Applied ergonomics 63, 142-150, 2017
Progress in vibrotactile threshold evaluation techniques: a review
MS Gandhi, R Sesek, R Tuckett, SJM Bamberg
Journal of Hand Therapy 24 (3), 240-256, 2011
Machining performance and health effects of cutting fluid application in drilling of A390. 0 cast aluminum alloy
AD Jayal, AK Balaji, R Sesek, A Gaul, DR Lillquist
Journal of Manufacturing processes 9 (2), 137-146, 2007
Heavy truck cooperative adaptive cruise control: Evaluation, testing, and stakeholder engagement for near term deployment: Phase one final report
D Bevly, C Murray, A Lim, R Turochy, R Sesek, S Smith, G Apperson, ...
An ergonomic assessment tool for evaluating the effect of back exoskeletons on injury risk
KE Zelik, CA Nurse, MC Schall Jr, RF Sesek, MC Marino, S Gallagher
Applied ergonomics 99, 103619, 2022
The WISTAH hand study: a prospective cohort study of distal upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders
A Garg, KT Hegmann, JJ Wertsch, J Kapellusch, MS Thiese, D Bloswick, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 13, 1-17, 2012
Fatal injuries to teenage construction workers in the US
A Suruda, P Philips, D Lillquist, R Sesek
American journal of industrial medicine 44 (5), 510-514, 2003
Morphometry of the lower lumbar intervertebral discs and endplates: comparative analyses of new MRI data with previous findings
R Tang, C Gungor, RF Sesek, KB Foreman, S Gallagher, GA Davis
European Spine Journal 25, 4116-4131, 2016
Impact of the OSHA trench and excavation standard on fatal injury in the construction industry
A Suruda, B Whitaker, D Bloswick, P Philips, R Sesek
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 44 (10), 902-905, 2002
Low-back pain ratings for lifetime, 1-month period, and point prevalences in a large occupational population
MS Thiese, KT Hegmann, EM Wood, A Garg, JS Moore, JM Kapellusch, ...
Human factors 56 (1), 86-97, 2014
Impact of isothermal aging on the long-term reliability of fine-pitch ball grid array packages with different Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints
J Zhang, S Thirugnanasambandam, JL Evans, MJ Bozack, R Sesek
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 2 (8 …, 2012
Low back pain among residential carpenters: ergonomic evaluation using OWAS and 2D compression estimation
DP Gilkey, TJ Keefe, PL Bigelow, RE Herron, K Duvall, JE Hautaluoma, ...
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 13 (3), 305-321, 2007
Job rotation and work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a fatigue-failure perspective
A Mehdizadeh, A Vinel, Q Hu, MC Schall Jr, S Gallagher, RF Sesek
Ergonomics 63 (4), 461-476, 2020
Evaluation and quantification of manual materials handling risk factors
R Sesek, D Gilkey, P Drinkaus, DS Bloswick, R Herron
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 9 (3), 271-287, 2003
An upper extremity risk assessment tool based on material fatigue failure theory: the distal upper extremity tool (DUET)
S Gallagher, MC Schall Jr, RF Sesek, R Huangfu
Human factors 60 (8), 1146-1162, 2018
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