Michael Crespin
Michael Crespin
Director Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center, Professor of Political Science
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How to analyze political attention with minimal assumptions and costs
KM Quinn, BL Monroe, M Colaresi, MH Crespin, DR Radev
American Journal of Political Science 54 (1), 209-228, 2010
Redistricting and Party Polarization in the US House of Representatives
JL Carson, MH Crespin, CJ Finocchiaro, DW Rohde
American Politics Research 35 (6), 878-904, 2007
The media, the campaign, and the message
JF Flowers, AA Haynes, MH Crespin
American Journal of Political Science 47 (2), 259-273, 2003
The effect of state redistricting methods on electoral competition in United States House of Representatives races
JL Carson, MH Crespin
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 4 (4), 455-469, 2004
If You Can’t Join’Em, Beat’Em: The Gender Gap in Individual Donations to Congressional Candidates
MH Crespin, JL Deitz
Political Research Quarterly 63 (3), 581, 2010
Dimensions, issues, and bills: Appropriations voting on the House floor
MH Crespin, DW Rohde
The Journal of Politics 72 (4), 976-989, 2010
An automated method of topic-coding legislative speech over time with application to the 105th-108th US Senate
KM Quinn, BL Monroe, M Colaresi, MH Crespin, DR Radev
Midwest political science association meeting, 1-61, 2006
Parties as procedural coalitions in Congress: An examination of differing career tracks
JA Jenkins, MH Crespin, JL Carson
Legislative Studies Quarterly 30 (3), 365-389, 2005
Measuring variations in party unity voting: An assessment of agenda effects
MH Crespin, DW Rohde, RJ Vander Wielen
Party Politics, 2011
Reevaluating the effects of redistricting on electoral competition, 1972–2012
JL Carson, MH Crespin, RD Williamson
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 14 (2), 165-177, 2014
Shirking in the contemporary Congress: A reappraisal
JL Carson, MH Crespin, JA Jenkins, RJ Vander Wielen
Political Analysis 12 (2), 176-179, 2004
The calculus of concession: Media coverage and the dynamics of winnowing in presidential nominations
AA Haynes, PH Gurian, MH Crespin, C Zorn
American Politics Research 32 (3), 310-337, 2004
Serving two masters: redistricting and voting in the US House of Representatives
MH Crespin
Political Research Quarterly 63 (4), 850-859, 2010
Using Geographic Information Systems to Measure District Change, 2000–2002
MH Crespin
Political Analysis 13 (3), 253, 2005
Earmarks and subcommittee government in the US Congress
A Clemens, M Crespin, CJ Finocchiaro
American Politics Research 43 (6), 1074-1106, 2015
Institutional control of redistricting and the geography of representation
B Edwards, M Crespin, RD Williamson, M Palmer
The Journal of Politics 79 (2), 722-726, 2017
Elections and the Politics of Pork in the US Senate
MH Crespin, CJ Finocchiaro
Social Science Quarterly 94 (2), 506-529, 2013
Distributive and partisan politics in the US Senate: An exploration of earmarks
MH Crespin, CJ Finocchiaro
Why not parties? Party effects in the United States Senate, 229-251, 2008
Political institutions and public choice roll-call database
MH Crespin, D Rohde
Constituency congruency and candidate competition in primary elections for the US House
J Carson, MH Crespin, CP Eaves, EO Wanless
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12 (2), 127-145, 2012
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