Determination of heavy metals in selected black sea fish species L Makedonski, K Peycheva, M Stancheva Food Control 72, 313-318, 2017 | 223 | 2017 |
Determination of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As and Hg) in Black Sea grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) M Stancheva, L Makedonski, E Petrova Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 19 (1), 30-34, 2013 | 91 | 2013 |
Determination of heavy metal concentrations of most consumed fish species from Bulgarian Black Sea coast M Stancheva, L Makedonski, K Peycheva Bulg Chem Commun 46 (1), 195-203, 2014 | 69 | 2014 |
Geología de la provincia de Las Villas I Kantchev, Y Boyanov, N Popov, R Cabrera, A Goranov, N Iolkicev, ... Resultados de las investigaciones geológicas y levantamiento geológico a …, 1978 | 50 | 1978 |
Common Carp (Cyprinus caprio) and European Catfish (Sillurus glanis) from the Danube River as Sources of Fat Soluble Vitamins and Fatty Acids. M Stancheva, A Merdzhanova, DA Dobreva, L Makedonski Czech Journal of Food Sciences 32 (1), 2014 | 43 | 2014 |
Fatty acid composition of black sea Ulva rigida and Cystoseria crinite V Ivanova, M Stancheva, D Petrova Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 19 (1), 42-47, 2013 | 43 | 2013 |
DDT in fish from the Bulgarian region of the Black Sea T Stoichev, L Makedonski, T Trifonova, M Stancheva, F Ribarova Chemistry and Ecology 23 (3), 191-200, 2007 | 36 | 2007 |
Fat soluble vitamins and fatty acid composition of wild Black sea mussel, rapana and shrimp A Merdzhanova, DA Dobreva, M Stancheva, L Makedonski Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry 25 (1), 15-23, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
Polychlorinated biphenyls in fish from Black Sea, Bulgaria M Stancheva, S Georgieva, L Makedonski Food Control 72, 205-210, 2017 | 30 | 2017 |
Retinol, alpha-tocopherol and fatty acid content in Bulgarian Black Sea fish species M Stancheva, B Galunska, AD Dobreva, A Merdzhanova Grasas y aceites 63 (2), 152-157, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
Fatty acid composition of common carp, rainbow trout and grey mullet fish species. M Stancheva, A Merdzhanova | 24 | 2011 |
Notes on the stratigraphy and the ostracode fauna from the Pliocene and post-Pliocene in the district of the Silistra M Stancheva Bulletin of Strashimir Dimitrov Institute of Geology, Ser Paleontologie 15 …, 1966 | 24 | 1966 |
Ostracods of Eastern Serbia and Northern Bulgaria with notices on a Northern Turkey assemblage and some Mediterranean assemblages N Krstic, M Stancheva Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen, Neogen der Westlichen (” Zentralen …, 1989 | 23 | 1989 |
Fatty acid composition and fat-soluble vitamins content of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and goby (Neogobius rattan) from Bulgarian Black Sea M Stancheva, A Merdzhanova, DA Dobreva, L Makedonski Ovidius Univ Ann Chem 21 (1), 23-28, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
New data on the subfamily Leptocytherinae Hanai, 1957 M Stancheva Izvestiya na Geologicheskiya Instituut, ser. Paleontologiya 17, 37-48, 1968 | 22 | 1968 |
Heavy metals and proximate composition of Black Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and goby (Neogobius melanostomus) M Stancheva, A Merdzhanova, E Petrova, D Petrova Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 19 (1), 35-41, 2013 | 21 | 2013 |
Age-based disparities in end-of-life decisions in Belgium: a population-based death certificate survey K Chambaere, JAC Rietjens, T Smets, J Bilsen, R Deschepper, ... BMC Public Health 12, 1-10, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |
Correlation of the biostratigraphic subdivision of the Neogene in Bulgaria after molluscs, foraminifers and ostracods E Kojumdgieva, N Popov, M Stancheva, S Darakchieva Geologica Balcanica 19 (3), 9-22, 1989 | 20 | 1989 |
Simultaneous HPLC determination of fat soluble vitamins, carotenoids and cholesterol in seaweed and mussel tissue DA Dobreva, VZ Panayotova, RS Stancheva, M Stancheva Bulg. Chem. Commun 49, 112-117, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Fatty acid and fat soluble vitamins composition of raw and cooked Black Sea horse mackerel A Merdzhanova, M Stancheva, DA Dobreva, L Makedonski Ovidius University Annals of Chemistry 24 (1), 27-34, 2013 | 18 | 2013 |