Hanseung Lee
Hanseung Lee
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Temporal event sequence simplification
M Monroe, R Lan, H Lee, C Plaisant, B Shneiderman
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (12), 2227-2236, 2013
iVisClustering: An interactive visual document clustering via topic modeling
H Lee, J Kihm, J Choo, J Stasko, H Park
Computer graphics forum 31 (3pt3), 1155-1164, 2012
iVisClassifier: An interactive visual analytics system for classification based on supervised dimension reduction
J Choo, H Lee, J Kihm, H Park
2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 27-34, 2010
An iterative algorithm for trust and reputation management
E Ayday, H Lee, F Fekri
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2051-2055, 2009
Trust management and adversary detection for delay tolerant networks
E Ayday, H Lee, F Fekri
An interactive visual testbed system for dimension reduction and clustering of large-scale high-dimensional data
J Choo, H Lee, Z Liu, J Stasko, H Park
Visualization and Data Analysis 2013 8654, 865402, 2013
PIVE: Per-iteration visualization environment for real-time interactions with dimension reduction and clustering
H Kim, J Choo, C Lee, H Lee, C Reddy, H Park
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 31 (1), 2017
VisIRR: Visual analytics for information retrieval and recommendation with large-scale document data
J Choo, C Lee, H Kim, H Lee, Z Liu, R Kannan, CD Stolper, J Stasko, ...
2014 IEEE conference on visual analytics science and technology (VAST), 243-244, 2014
A grounded theory study on the language of data visualization principles and guidelines
E Kandogan, H Lee
Electronic Imaging 28, 1-9, 2016
PIVE: Per-iteration visualization environment for supporting real-time interactions with computational methods
J Choo, C Lee, H Kim, H Lee, CK Reddy, BL Drake, H Park
2014 IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 241-242, 2014
Data ingestion and evidence marshalling in jigsaw VAST 2010 mini challenge 1 award: Good support for data ingest
Z Liu, C Görg, J Kihm, H Lee, J Choo, H Park, J Stasko
2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 271-272, 2010
VisIRR: A visual analytics system for information retrieval and recommendation for large-scale document data
J Choo, H Kim, E Clarkson, Z Liu, C Lee, F Li, H Lee, R Kannan, ...
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 12 (1), 1-20, 2018
VisIRR: interactive visual information retrieval and recommendation for large-scale document data
J Choo, C Lee, E Clarkson, Z Liu, H Lee, DHP Chau, F Li, R Kannan, ...
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
p-ISOMAP: An efficient parametric update for isomap for visual analytics
J Choo, CK Reddy, H Lee, H Park
Proceedings of the 2010 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 502-513, 2010
IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology
J Choo, H Lee, J Kihm, H Park
A New Visual Language for Incremental Generation of Visual Representations
H Lee
Temporal Search and Replace: A Graphic-Based Solution to Temporal Event Data Wrangling and Incremental Querying
M Monroe, R Lan, H Lee, A Fong, C Plaisant, S Powsner, B Shneiderman
Proc. of Workshop on Visual Analytics in HealthCare, 2013
GeneTracer: Gene sequence analysis of disease mutations VAST 2010 mini challenge 3 award: Excellent process explanation
H Lee, J Choo, C Go̅rg, J Shim, J Kihm, Z Liu, H Park, J Stasko
2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 291-292, 2010
EpiDetector: Characterization of Epidemic Outbreak
J Kihm, J Choo, C Görg, H Lee, Z Liu, H Park, J Stasko
VAST, 2010
Timeline analysis of undercover activities VAST 2009 traffic mini challenge award: Good analytical technique
J Choo, E Fujimoto, H Lee, PR Walteros
2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 245-246, 2009
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