Lei Feng
Nutritional, physical, cognitive, and combination interventions and frailty reversal among older adults: a randomized controlled trial
TP Ng, L Feng, MSZ Nyunt, L Feng, M Niti, BY Tan, G Chan, SA Khoo, ...
The American journal of medicine 128 (11), 1225-1236. e1, 2015
Evidence-based prevention of Alzheimer's disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of 243 observational prospective studies and 153 randomised controlled trials
JT Yu, W Xu, CC Tan, S Andrieu, J Suckling, E Evangelou, A Pan, ...
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 91 (11), 1201-1209, 2020
Tea consumption and cognitive impairment and decline in older Chinese adults
TP Ng, L Feng, M Niti, EH Kua, KB Yap
The American journal of clinical nutrition 88 (1), 224-231, 2008
Cognitive frailty and adverse health outcomes: findings from the Singapore Longitudinal Ageing Studies (SLAS)
L Feng, MSZ Nyunt, Q Gao, L Feng, KB Yap, TP Ng
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 18 (3), 252-258, 2017
Metabolic syndrome and the risk of mild cognitive impairment and progression to dementia: follow-up of the Singapore longitudinal ageing study cohort
TP Ng, L Feng, MSZ Nyunt, L Feng, Q Gao, ML Lim, SL Collinson, ...
JAMA neurology 73 (4), 456-463, 2016
Mitochondrial oxidative capacity and NAD+ biosynthesis are reduced in human sarcopenia across ethnicities
E Migliavacca, SKH Tay, HP Patel, T Sonntag, G Civiletto, C McFarlane, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5808, 2019
Sleep correlates of depression and anxiety in an elderly A sian population
J Yu, I Rawtaer, J Fam, MJ Jiang, L Feng, EH Kua, R Mahendran
Psychogeriatrics 16 (3), 191-195, 2016
Frailty predicts new and persistent depressive symptoms among community-dwelling older adults: findings from Singapore longitudinal aging study
L Feng, MSZ Nyunt, L Feng, KB Yap, TP Ng
Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 15 (1), 76. e7-76. e12, 2014
The Modified Mini-Mental State Examination test: normative data for Singapore Chinese older adults and its performance in detecting early cognitive impairment
L Feng, MS Chong, WS Lim, TP Ng
Singapore Med J 53 (7), 458-62, 2012
Models for predicting risk of dementia: a systematic review
XH Hou, L Feng, C Zhang, XP Cao, L Tan, JT Yu
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 90 (4), 373-379, 2019
Cognitive function and tea consumption in community dwelling older Chinese in Singapore
L Feng, X Gwee, EH Kua, TP Ng
The journal of nutrition, health & aging 14, 433-438, 2010
Physical frailty, cognitive impairment, and the risk of neurocognitive disorder in the Singapore longitudinal ageing studies
L Feng, MSZ Nyunt, Q Gao, L Feng, TS Lee, T Tsoi, MS Chong, WS Lim, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences …, 2017
Effects of horticultural therapy on Asian older adults: A randomized controlled trial
KST Ng, A Sia, MKW Ng, CTY Tan, HY Chan, CH Tan, I Rawtaer, L Feng, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (8), 1705, 2018
Ergothioneine levels in an elderly population decrease with age and incidence of cognitive decline; a risk factor for neurodegeneration?
IK Cheah, L Feng, RMY Tang, KHC Lim, B Halliwell
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 478 (1), 162-167, 2016
A brain-computer interface based cognitive training system for healthy elderly: a randomized control pilot study for usability and preliminary efficacy
TS Lee, SJA Goh, SY Quek, R Phillips, C Guan, YB Cheung, L Feng, ...
PloS one 8 (11), e79419, 2013
Marital status and cognitive impairment among community-dwelling Chinese older adults: the role of gender and social engagement
L Feng, XT Ng, P Yap, J Li, TS Lee, K Håkansson, EH Kua, TP Ng
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra 4 (3), 375-384, 2014
Systemic inflammation, depression and obstructive pulmonary function: a population-based study
Y Lu, L Feng, L Feng, MS Nyunt, KB Yap, TP Ng
Respiratory research 14, 1-8, 2013
Art therapy is associated with sustained improvement in cognitive function in the elderly with mild neurocognitive disorder: findings from a pilot randomized controlled trial …
R Mahendran, M Gandhi, RB Moorakonda, J Wong, MM Kanchi, J Fam, ...
Trials 19, 1-10, 2018
Folate, vitamin B12, homocysteine, and depressive symptoms in a population sample of older Chinese adults
TP Ng, L Feng, M Niti, EH Kua, KB Yap
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 57 (5), 871-876, 2009
Dietary pattern in midlife and cognitive impairment in late life: a prospective study in Chinese adults
J Wu, X Song, GC Chen, N Neelakantan, RM van Dam, L Feng, JM Yuan, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 110 (4), 912-920, 2019
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