Xue-Song Bai
Xue-Song Bai
Professor of Fluid Mechanics, Department of Energy Sciences, Lund University
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Turbulence and combustion interaction: High resolution local flame front structure visualization using simultaneous single-shot PLIF imaging of CH, OH, and CH2O in a piloted …
ZS Li, B Li, ZW Sun, XS Bai, M Aldén
Combustion and Flame 157 (6), 1087-1096, 2010
Chemical kinetic modelling of ammonia/hydrogen/air ignition, premixed flame propagation and NO emission
RC da Rocha, M Costa, XS Bai
Fuel 246, 24-33, 2019
Large eddy simulation and experimental studies of a confined turbulent swirling flow
P Wang, XS Bai, M Wessman, J Klingmann
Physics of fluids 16 (9), 3306-3324, 2004
Characteristics of oxy-fuel combustion in gas turbines
CY Liu, G Chen, N Sipöcz, M Assadi, XS Bai
Applied Energy 89 (1), 387-394, 2012
Distributed reactions in highly turbulent premixed methane/air flames: Part I. Flame structure characterization
B Zhou, C Brackmann, Q Li, Z Wang, P Petersson, Z Li, M Aldén, X Bai
Combustion and Flame 162 (7), 2937-2953, 2015
Comparison of well-mixed and multiple representative interactive flamelet approaches for diesel spray combustion modelling
G D’Errico, T Lucchini, F Contino, M Jangi, XS Bai
Combustion Theory and Modelling 18 (1), 65-88, 2014
Large eddy simulation and laser diagnostic studies on a low swirl stratified premixed flame
KJ Nogenmyr, C Fureby, XS Bai, P Petersson, R Collin, M Linne
Combustion and Flame 156 (1), 25-36, 2009
Experimental and modeling study of liquid fuel injection and combustion in diesel engines with a common rail injection system
L Xu, XS Bai, M Jia, Y Qian, X Qiao, X Lu
Applied energy 230, 287-304, 2018
Experimental and kinetic modelling investigation on NO, CO and NH3 emissions from NH3/CH4/air premixed flames
CF Ramos, RC Rocha, PMR Oliveira, M Costa, XS Bai
Fuel 254, 115693, 2019
Simultaneous multi-species and temperature visualization of premixed flames in the distributed reaction zone regime
B Zhou, C Brackmann, Z Li, M Aldén, XS Bai
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1409-1416, 2015
Combustion and emission characteristics of ammonia under conditions relevant to modern gas turbines
RC Rocha, M Costa, XS Bai
Combustion Science and Technology 193 (14), 2514-2533, 2021
Towards a comprehensive optimization of engine efficiency and emissions by coupling artificial neural network (ANN) with genetic algorithm (GA)
Y Li, M Jia, X Han, XS Bai
Energy 225, 120331, 2021
Multiple-objective optimization of methanol/diesel dual-fuel engine at low loads: A comparison of reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) and direct dual fuel …
Y Li, M Jia, L Xu, XS Bai
Fuel 262, 116673, 2020
Computational study of the combustion process and NO formation in a small-scale wood pellet furnace
T Klason, XS Bai
Fuel 86 (10-11), 1465-1474, 2007
Large eddy simulation of n-dodecane spray combustion in a high pressure combustion vessel
C Gong, M Jangi, XS Bai
Applied energy 136, 373-381, 2014
High‐order Cartesian grid method for calculation of incompressible turbulent flows
J Gullbrand, XS Bai, L Fuchs
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 36 (6), 687-709, 2001
Simultaneous visualization of OH, CH, CH2O and toluene PLIF in a methane jet flame with varying degrees of turbulence
J Sjöholm, J Rosell, B Li, M Richter, Z Li, XS Bai, M Aldén
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 1475-1482, 2013
Detailed soot modeling in turbulent jet diffusion flames
XS Bai, M Balthasar, F Mauss, L Fuchs
Symposium (International) on Combustion 27 (1), 1623-1630, 1998
Structure and laminar flame speed of an ammonia/methane/air premixed flame under varying pressure and equivalence ratio
RC Rocha, S Zhong, L Xu, XS Bai, M Costa, X Cai, H Kim, C Brackmann, ...
Energy & Fuels 35 (9), 7179-7192, 2021
Investigation of local flame structures and statistics in partially premixed turbulent jet flames using simultaneous single-shot CH and OH planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging
J Kiefer, ZS Li, J Zetterberg, XS Bai, M Aldén
Combustion and flame 154 (4), 802-818, 2008
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Articles 1–20