Adina Camelia Bleotu
Adina Camelia Bleotu
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Why Does IT Always Rain on Me? On Weather Verbs
AC Bleotu
Proceedings of the First Central European Conference in Linguistics for …, 2012
There is a Light (Verb) That Sometimes Goes Out in Weather Verbs
AC Bleotu
Proceedings of the 4th Austrian Students’ Conference of Linguistics, 47-64, 2013
The distinction between true and pseudo denominals? It's an illusion!
AC Bleotu, J Bloem
NELS 50: Proceedings of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the North East …, 2020
Roll-Up is too complex for Romanian 5-year-olds: Evidence from recursive adjectives
AC Bleotu, T Roeper
Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 6 (1), 133-143, 2021
Small Big Flowers or Small and Big Flowers? Simple Is Better and Roll-Up Is Too Complex for Romanian 5-Year-Olds
AC Bleotu, T Roeper
Towards a theory of denominals: A look at incorporation, phrasal spell-out and spanning
AC Bleotu
Brill, 2019
Relative gradable adjective recursion such as small small big mushrooms is more challenging for children than possessive recursion such as the deer’s friend’s sister’s mushrooms
D Foucault, AC Bleotu, U Lakshmanan, E Merritt, R Sybing, T Roeper
Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 7 (1), 5294-5294, 2022
Towards a theory of denominals
AC Bleotu
A Look at Incorporation, Phrasal Spell-Out and Spanning,(p. Conclusion …, 2019
Children are more sensitive to the Recursive Set-Subset Ordering than to adjective ordering restrictions
AC Bleotu, T Roeper
Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 7 (1), 5267-5267, 2022
Deriving scalar implicatures with quantifiers by Romanian children
AC Bleotu
L1 Acquisition and L2 Learning: The view from Romance 65, 331, 2021
Shadow playing with Romanian 5-year-olds. Epistemic adverbs are a kind of magic!
AC Bleotu, A Benz, N Gotzner
Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 1, 59-70, 2021
Location, Locatum Verbs, and the Locative Alternation in English and Romanian
AC Bleotu, WL Gazette
Wiener Linguistische Gazette, 178-197, 2014
The Recursive Set-Subset Ordering Restriction overrides adjective ordering restrictions. Evidence from Romanian 4-year-olds and adults
AC Bleotu, T Roeper
BUCLD 46: Proceedings of the 46th Annual Boston University Conference on …, 2022
What’s the meaning of a nominal root? Insights from experiments into denominals and similarity
AC Bleotu, J Bloem
Poster presented at West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 39, 8-11, 2021
" The Parrot next to the Hamster (and) next to the Bunny" Sheds Light on Recursion in Child Romanian
AC Bleotu
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 43 (43), 2021
A Spanning Account of Denominal Verbs in English and Romanian
AC Bleotu
Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 38, 13-23, 2016
Not all complex disjunctions are alike: On inclusive and conjunctive interpretations in child Romanian
AC Bleotu, R Ivan, AC Nicolae, G Bîlbîie, A Benz, M Panaitescu, L Tieu
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45 (45), 2023
Romanian 5-year-olds derive global but not local implicatures with quantifiers embedded under epistemic adverbs: Evidence from a shadow play paradigm
AC Bleotu, A Benz, N Gotzner
Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 26, 149–164, 2022
Where truth and optimality part. Experiments on implicatures with epistemic adverbs
AC Bleotu, A Benz, N Gotzner
Experiments in Linguistic Meaning 1, 47-58, 2021
Towards a theory of denominals in English and Romanian
AC Bleotu
Università Ca'Foscari Venezia, 2015
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