Davy McCracken
Identifying and managing the conflicts between agriculture and biodiversity conservation in Europe–A review
K Henle, D Alard, J Clitherow, P Cobb, L Firbank, T Kull, D McCracken, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 124 (1-2), 60-71, 2008
Low-intensity farming systems in the conservation of the countryside
EM Bignal, DI McCracken
Journal of applied ecology, 413-424, 1996
Policy reform and agricultural land abandonment in the EU
A Renwick, T Jansson, PH Verburg, C Revoredo-Giha, W Britz, A Gocht, ...
Land use policy 30 (1), 446-457, 2013
Towards sustainable land use: identifying and managing the conflicts between human activities and biodiversity conservation in Europe
J Young, A Watt, P Nowicki, D Alard, J Clitherow, K Henle, R Johnson, ...
Biodiversity & Conservation 14, 1641-1661, 2005
The nature conservation value of European traditional farming systems
EM Bignal, DI McCracken
Environmental reviews 8 (3), 149-171, 2000
The emergence of biodiversity conflicts from biodiversity impacts: characteristics and management strategies
JC Young, M Marzano, RM White, DI McCracken, SM Redpath, DN Carss, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 19, 3973-3990, 2010
Improving the science-policy dialogue to meet the challenges of biodiversity conservation: having conversations rather than talking at one-another
JC Young, KA Waylen, S Sarkki, S Albon, I Bainbridge, E Balian, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 23, 387-404, 2014
Biodiversity in intensive grasslands: Effect of management, improvement and challenges
S Plantureux, A Peeters, D McCracken
Agronomy research 3 (2), 153-164, 2005
Age-specific reproductive performance in red-billed choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax: patterns and processes in a natural population
JM Reid, EM Bignal, S Bignal, DI McCracken, P Monaghan
Journal of Animal Ecology, 765-776, 2003
Relationships between agricultural management and ecological groups of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on Scottish farmland
LJ Cole, DI McCracken, P Dennis, IS Downie, AL Griffin, GN Foster, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 93 (1-3), 323-336, 2002
Environmental variability, life-history covariation and cohort effects in the red-billed chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
JM Reid, EM Bignal, S Bignal, DI McCracken, P Monaghan
Journal of Animal Ecology, 36-46, 2003
The effects of livestock grazing on foliar arthropods associated with bird diet in upland grasslands of Scotland
P Dennis, J Skartveit, DI McCracken, RJ Pakeman, K Beaton, A Kunaver, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology, 279-287, 2008
Mapping and monitoring high nature value farmlands: challenges in European landscapes
A Lomba, C Guerra, J Alonso, JP Honrado, R Jongman, D McCracken
Journal of environmental management 143, 140-150, 2014
Simplistic understandings of farmer motivations could undermine the environmental potential of the common agricultural policy
C Brown, E Kovács, I Herzon, S Villamayor-Tomas, A Albizua, A Galanaki, ...
Land Use Policy 101, 105136, 2021
Exploring the interactions between resource availability and the utilisation of semi-natural habitats by insect pollinators in an intensive agricultural landscape
LJ Cole, S Brocklehurst, D Robertson, W Harrison, DI McCracken
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 246, 157-167, 2017
Swards and structure: the interactions between farming practices and bird food resources in lowland grasslands
DI McCracken, JR Tallowin
Ibis 146, 108-114, 2004
Comparing the effects of farming practices on ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and spider (Araneae) assemblages of Scottish farmland
LJ Cole, DI McCracken, IS Downie, P Dennis, GN Foster, T Waterhouse, ...
Biodiversity & Conservation 14, 441-460, 2005
Back to the future: rethinking socioecological systems underlying high nature value farmlands
A Lomba, F Moreira, S Klimek, RHG Jongman, C Sullivan, J Moran, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18 (1), 36-42, 2020
Delivering multiple ecosystem services from enclosed farmland in the UK
L Firbank, R Bradbury, D McCracken, C Stoate
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 166, 66-75, 2013
Developing a high nature value indicator
E Andersen, D Baldock, H Bennett, G Beaufoy, E Bignal, F Brouwer, ...
Report for the European Environment Agency, Copenhagen, 2003
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