Ivan Mary
Ivan Mary
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Large eddy simulation of flow around an airfoil near stall
I Mary, P Sagaut
AIAA journal 40 (6), 1139-1145, 2002
Large-eddy simulation of a compressible flow past a deep cavity
L Larchevêque, P Sagaut, I Mary, O Labbé, P Comte
Physics of fluids 15 (1), 193-210, 2003
High-resolution large-eddy simulation of flow around low-pressure turbine blade
B Raverdy, I Mary, P Sagaut, N Liamis
AIAA journal 41 (3), 390-397, 2003
Numerical prediction of airfoil aerodynamic noise
E Manoha, C Herrero, S Ben Khelil, P Guillen, P Sagaut, I Mary
8th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference & Exhibit, 2573, 2002
Large-eddy simulation of laminar transonic buffet
J Dandois, I Mary, V Brion
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 850, 156-178, 2018
An algorithm for low Mach number unsteady flows
I Mary, P Sagaut, M Deville
Computers & Fluids 29 (2), 119-147, 2000
Study of stall development around an airfoil by means of high fidelity large eddy simulation
N Alferez, I Mary, E Lamballais
Flow, turbulence and combustion 91 (3), 623-641, 2013
Numerical prediction of the unsteady flow and radiated noise from a 3D lifting airfoil
E Manoha, C Delahay, P Sagaut, I Mary, S Ben Khelil, P Guillen
7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, 2133, 2001
An algorithm for unsteady viscous flows at all speeds
I Mary, P Sagaut, M Deville
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 34 (5), 371-401, 2000
DNS database of a transitional separation bubble on a flat plate and application to RANS modeling validation
C Laurent, I Mary, V Gleize, A Lerat, D Arnal
Computers & Fluids 61, 21-30, 2012
Large eddy simulation of vortex breakdown behind a delta wing
I Mary
International journal of heat and fluid flow 24 (4), 596-605, 2003
Near stall simulation of the flow around an airfoil using zonal RANS/LES coupling method
F Richez, I Mary, V Gleize, C Basdevant
Computers & Fluids 37 (7), 857-866, 2008
Zonal RANS/LES coupling simulation of a transitional and separated flow around an airfoil near stall
F Richez, I Mary, V Gleize, C Basdevant
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 22, 305-315, 2008
An immersed boundary method on Cartesian adaptive grids for the simulation of compressible flows around arbitrary geometries
S Péron, C Benoit, T Renaud, I Mary
Engineering with Computers 37 (3), 2419-2437, 2021
Comprehensive comparison between the lattice Boltzmann and Navier–Stokes methods for aerodynamic and aeroacoustic applications
A Suss, I Mary, T Le Garrec, S Marié
Computers & Fluids 257, 105881, 2023
Numerical simulation of acoustic scattering by a plane turbulent shear layer: Spectral broadening study
I Bennaceur, DC Mincu, I Mary, M Terracol, L Larchevêque, P Dupont
Computers & Fluids 138, 83-98, 2016
Simulation of the reduction of unsteadiness in a passively controlled transonic cavity flow
P Comte, F Daude, I Mary
Journal of Fluids and Structures 24 (8), 1252-1261, 2008
Self-Adaptive Newton-based iteration strategy for the LES of turbulent multi-scale flows
F Daude, I Mary, P Comte
Computers & Fluids 100, 278-290, 2014
An immersed boundary method for preliminary design aerodynamic studies of complex configurations
S Péron, T Renaud, I Mary, C Benoit, M Terracol
23rd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 3623, 2017
RANS eddy viscosity reconstruction from LES flow field for turbulent boundary layers
G Nolin, I Mary, L Ta-Phuoc
17th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, 4998, 2005
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Articles 1–20