Duncan Boughton
Duncan Boughton
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University
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Cited by
Market participation by rural households in a low-income country: An asset based approach applied to Mozambique
D Boughton, D Mather, CB Barrett, RS Benfica, D Abdula, D Tschirley, ...
Faith and economics 50, 64-101, 2007
Impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural production and food systems in late transforming Southeast Asia: The case of Myanmar
D Boughton, J Goeb, I Lambrecht, D Headey, H Takeshima, K Mahrt, ...
Agricultural Systems 188, 103026, 2021
Patterns and trends in food staples markets in Eastern and Southern Africa: Toward the identification of priority investments and strategies for developing markets and …
TS Jayne, NM Mason, RJ Myers, JN Ferris, D Mather, N Sitko, M Beaver, ...
Explaining smallholder maize marketing in southern and eastern Africa: The roles of market access, technology and household resource endowments
D Mather, D Boughton, TS Jayne
Food Policy 43, 248-266, 2013
Promoting sustainable intensification and productivity growth in Sahel agriculture after macroeconomic policy reform
T Reardon, V Kelly, E Crawford, B Diagana, J Dioné, K Savadogo, ...
Food Policy 22 (4), 317-327, 1997
Towards ‘smart’subsidies in agriculture? Lessons in recent experience in Malawi
A Dorward, E Chirwa, D Boughton, E Crawford, T Jayne, R Slater, V Kelly, ...
Natural resources perspectives, 2008
Evaluation of the 2006/7 agricultural input subsidy programme, Malawi. Final Report
A Dorward, E Chirwa, VA Kelly, TS Jayne, R Slater, D Boughton
Increasing seed system efficiency in Africa: Concepts, strategies and issues
MK Maredia, JA Howard, D Boughton, A Naseem, MN Wanzala, K Kajisa
The world groundnut economy Facts, trends, and outlook
HA Freman, SN Nigam, TG Kelley, BR Ntare, P Subrahmanyam, ...
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, 1999
Determinants of rural income, poverty, and perceived well-being in Mozambique in 2001-2002
TS Walker, DL Tschirley, JW Low, MP Tanque, D Boughton, ...
Aquaculture in transition: value chain transformation, fish and food security in Myanmar
B Belton, A Hein, K Htoo, LS Kham, U Nischan, T Reardon, D Boughton
Evaluation of the 2006/07 agricultural input subsidy programme, Malawi
A Dorward, E Chirwa, V Kelly, TS Jayne, R Slater, D Boughton
Final Report. Lilongwe, Malawi, 2008
Institutional diversity and performance in African cotton sectors
DL Tschirley, C Poulton, N Gergely, P Labaste, J Baffes, D Boughton, ...
Development Policy Review 28 (3), 295-323, 2010
Household income and assets in rural mozambique, 2002-2005: can pro-poor growth be sustained?
D Mather, B Cunguara, D Boughton
Changes in Rural Household Income Patterns in Mozambique, 1996-2002, and Implications for Agriculture’s Contribution to Poverty Reduction.
D Boughton, D Mather, DL Tschirley, TS Walker, B Cunguara, ...
Smallholder heterogeneity and maize market participation in Southern and Eastern Africa: Implications for investment strategies to increase marketed food staple supply
D Mather, D Boughton, TS Jayne
Food security in developing countries
JM Staatz, D Boughton, C Donovan
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State …, 2009
Cotton sector policies and performance in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons behind the numbers in Mozambique and Zambia
D Boughton, DL Tschirley, HF de Marrule, A Osorio, B Zulu
Transformation versus stagnation in the oil palm industry: A comparison between Malaysia and Nigeria
K Kajisa, MK Maredia, D Boughton
Urbanization, diet change, and the transformation of the downstream and midstream of the agrifood system: Effects on the poor in Africa and Asia
T Reardon, D Boughton, D Tschirley, S Haggblade, M Dolislager, ...
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Articles 1–20