Nirwan Sharma
Nirwan Sharma
Потвърден имейл адрес: open.ac.uk
The role of automated feedback in training and retaining biological recorders for citizen science
R Van der Wal, N Sharma, C Mellish, A Robinson, A Siddharthan
Conservation Biology 30 (3), 550-561, 2016
Developing a writing assistant to help EAP writers with collocations in real time
A Frankenberg-Garcia, R Lew, JC Roberts, GP Rees, N Sharma
ReCALL 31 (1), 23-39, 2019
Mapping species distributions: A comparison of skilled naturalist and lay citizen science recording
R Van der Wal, H Anderson, A Robinson, N Sharma, C Mellish, S Roberts, ...
Ambio 44, 584-600, 2015
From citizen science to citizen action: analysing the potential for a digital platform to cultivate attachments to nature
N Sharma, G Sam, L Colucci-Gray, A Siddharthan, R van der Wal
Journal of Science Communication 18 (01), 2019
Crowdsourcing without a crowd: Reliable online species identification using Bayesian models to minimize crowd size
A Siddharthan, C Lambin, AM Robinson, N Sharma, R Comont, ...
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 7 (4), 1-20, 2016
Multiple views: different meanings and collocated words
JC Roberts, H Al‐maneea, PWS Butcher, R Lew, G Rees, N Sharma, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 38 (3), 79-93, 2019
Designing online species identification tools for biological recording: the impact on data quality and citizen science learning
N Sharma, L Colucci-Gray, A Siddharthan, R Comont, R van der Wal
PeerJ, 2019
Natural language generation for nature conservation: Automating feedback to help volunteers identify bumblebee species
S Blake, A Siddharthan, H Nguyen, N Sharma, AM Robinson, O Elaine, ...
Proceedings of COLING 2012, 311-324, 2012
On the merits and pitfalls of introducing a digital platform to aid conservation management: Volunteer data submission and the mediating role of volunteer coordinators
K Arts, Y Melero, G Webster, N Sharma, N Tintarev, E Tait, C Mellish, ...
Journal of environmental management 265, 110497, 2020
Citizen science data reveals the need for keeping garden plant recommendations up-to-date to help pollinators
HB Anderson, A Robinson, A Siddharthan, N Sharma, H Bostock, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 20483, 2020
Development of a map-matching algorithm for rural passenger information systems through mobile phones and crowd sourcing
NR Velaga, JD Nelson, P Edwards, D Corsar, S Sripada, N Sharma, ...
Journal of Computing in civil Engineering 27 (6), 732-742, 2013
ColloCaid: A real-time tool to help academic writers with English collocations”
R Lew, A Frankenberg-Garcia, G Rees, JC Roberts, N Sharma
Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress, 2018
Bumblebee friendly planting recommendations with citizen science data
AT Wibowo, A Siddharthan, H Anderson, A Robinson, N Sharma, ...
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recommender Systems for …, 2017
Visualisation approaches for corpus linguistics: Towards visual integration of data-driven learning
JC Roberts, A Frankenberg-Garcia, R Lew, G Rees, N Sharma
3rd Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities–Vis4DH 2018, 1-5, 2018
Capturing mink and data: Interacting with a small and dispersed environmental initiative over the introduction of digital innovation
KAJ Arts, G Webster, N Sharma, Y Melero Cavero, CS Mellish, X Lambin, ...
ColloCaid: a tool to help academic English writers find the words they need
A Frankenberg-Garcia, G Rees, R Lew, J Roberts, N Sharma, P Butcher
CALL and complexity–short papers from EUROCALL, 144-150, 2019
Species identification in citizen science: Effects of interface design and image difficulty on user performance and workload
N Sharma
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2016
Visualising Collocation for Close Writing.
JC Roberts, PWS Butcher, R Lew, GP Rees, N Sharma, ...
EuroVis (Short Papers), 181-185, 2020
Modelling and predicting the visual demand of in-vehicle information systems
GE Burnett, N Sharma, MA Pettitt, A Stevens
2nd International conference on driver distraction and inattention, 2011
Consensus building in on-line Citizen Science
N Sharma, L Colucci-Gray, R Van Der Wal, A Siddharthan
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (CSCW2), 1-26, 2022
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