Hettie A. Richardson
Hettie A. Richardson
Потвърден имейл адрес: tcu.edu
A tale of three paradigms: Examining post hoc statistical corrections for common method variance from three divergent perspectives
H Richardson, M Simmering, M Sturman
Organizational Research Methods 12 (4), 762-800, 2009
Work characteristics and employee health and well‐being: Test of a model of healthy work organization
MG Wilson, DM Dejoy, RJ Vandenberg, HA Richardson, AL Mcgrath
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 77 (4), 565-588, 2004
The impact of high involvement work processes on organizational effectiveness
RJ Vandenberg, HA Richardson, LJ Eastman
Group & Organization Management 24 (3), 300, 1999
Marker variable choice, reporting, and interpretation in the detection of common method variance: A review and demonstration
MJ Simmering, CM Fuller, HA Richardson, Y Ocal, GM Atinc
Organizational Research Methods 18 (3), 473-511, 2015
Human resource systems and helping in organizations: A relational perspective
KW Mossholder, HA Richardson, RP Settoon
Academy of Management Review 36 (1), 33-52, 2011
Employee involvement climate and organizational effectiveness
CM Riordan, RJ Vandenberg, HA Richardson
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2005
Integrating managerial perceptions and transformational leadership into a work‐unit level model of employee involvement
HA Richardson, RJ Vandenberg
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2005
A new perspective on method variance: A measure-centric approach
PE Spector, CC Rosen, HA Richardson, LJ Williams, RE Johnson
Journal of Management 45 (3), 855-880, 2019
Perceived organizational support's role in stressor‐strain relationships
HA Richardson, J Yang, RJ Vandenberg, DM DeJoy, MG Wilson
Journal of managerial psychology 23 (7), 789-810, 2008
Does decentralization make a difference for the organization? An examination of the boundary conditions circumbscribing decentralized decision-making and organizational …
HA Richardson, RJ Vandenberg, TC Blum, PM Roman
Journal of management 28 (2), 217-244, 2002
The impact of temporal schemata: Understanding when individuals entrain versus resist or create temporal structure
AJ Shipp, HA Richardson
Academy of Management Review 46 (2), 299-319, 2021
Simmering, and Michael C. Sturman. 2009. A tale of three perspectives: Examining post hoc statistical techniques for detection and correction of common method variance
HA Richardson, J Marcia
Organizational Research Methods 12 (4), 762-800, 0
CEO willingness to delegate to the top management team: The influence of organizational performance
HA Richardson, ACA mason, AK Buchholtz, JG Gerard
The International Journal of Organizational Analysis 10 (2), 134-155, 2002
Alpha, beta, and gamma change: A review of past research with recommendations for new directions
CM Riordan, HA Richardson, BS Schaffer, RJ Vandenberg
Equivalence in Measurement (Information Age Publishing, Connecticut), 51-97, 2001
Too little and too much authority sharing: Differential relationships with psychological empowerment and in‐role and extra‐role performance
HA Richardson, DH Kluemper, SG Taylor
Journal of Organizational Behavior 42 (8), 1099-1119, 2021
Understanding input events: A model of employees' responses to requests for their input
HA Richardson, SG Taylor
Academy of Management Review 37 (3), 471-491, 2012
Group conflict as an emergent state: Temporal issues
G Okhuysen, HA Richardson
Conflict in organizational groups: New directions in theory and practice …, 2007
A primer on multilevel structural modeling: User-friendly guidelines.
RJ Vandenberg, HA Richardson
American Psychological Association, 2019
A comparison of statistical corrections for common method variance
HA Richardson, MJ Simmering, PM Roman
Southern Management Association 2003 Meeting, 647, 2003
Missing data in research
HA Richardson, MJ Simmering
Oxford research encyclopedia of business and management, 2020
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