Tapajit Dey
Tapajit Dey
Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute
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Detecting and Characterizing Bots that Commit Code
T Dey, S Mousavi, E Ponce, T Fry, B Vasilescu, A Filippova, A Mockus
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mining Software …, 2020
World of code: enabling a research workflow for mining and analyzing the universe of open source VCS data
Y Ma, T Dey, C Bogart, S Amreen, M Valiev, A Tutko, D Kennard, ...
Empirical Software Engineering 26 (2), 1-42, 2021
Representation of developer expertise in open source software
T Dey, A Karnauch, A Mockus
2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE …, 2021
A Dataset and an Approach for Identity Resolution of 38 Million Author IDs extracted from 2B Git Commits
T Fry, T Dey, A Karnauch, A Mockus
IEEE International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 518–522, 2020
Are software dependency supply chain metrics useful in predicting change of popularity of npm packages?
T Dey, A Mockus
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Predictive Models and …, 2018
Patterns of effort contribution and demand and user classification based on participation patterns in npm ecosystem
T Dey, Y Ma, A Mockus
Proceedings of the fifteenth international conference on predictive models …, 2019
Deriving a usage-independent software quality metric
T Dey, A Mockus
Empirical Software Engineering 25 (2), 1596-1641, 2020
Analysis of popularity of game mods: A case study
T Dey, JL Massengill, A Mockus
Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in …, 2016
Effect of Technical and Social Factors on Pull Request Quality for the NPM Ecosystem
T Dey, A Mockus
Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical …, 2020
An Exploratory Study of Bot Commits
T Dey, B Vasilescu, A Mockus
ICSEW'20: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on …, 2020
Which pull requests get accepted and why? a study of popular npm packages
T Dey, A Mockus
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.01153, 2020
Modeling relationship between post-release faults and usage in mobile software
T Dey, A Mockus
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Predictive Models and …, 2018
Do code review measures explain the incidence of post-release defects?
A Krutauz, T Dey, PC Rigby, A Mockus
Empirical Software Engineering 25 (5), 3323-3356, 2020
A methodology for measuring FLOSS ecosystems
S Amreen, B Bichescu, R Bradley, T Dey, Y Ma, A Mockus, S Mousavi, ...
Towards Engineering Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) Ecosystems for …, 2019
One-off events? An empirical study of hackathon code creation and reuse
ASI Mahmoud, T Dey, A Nolte, A Mockus, JD Herbsleb
Empirical Software Engineering 27 (7), 1-49, 2022
The Secret Life of Hackathon Code Where does it come from and where does it go?
A Imam, T Dey, A Nolte, A Mockus, JD Herbsleb
2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2021
Crowdsourcing the discovery of software repositories in an educational environment
Y Ma, T Dey, JM Smith, N Wilder, A Mockus
PeerJ Preprints 4, e2551v1, 2016
Tracking Hackathon Code Creation and Reuse
A Imam, T Dey
2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories …, 2021
A dataset of bot commits
T Dey, S Mousavi, E Ponce, T Fry, B Vasilescu, A Filippova, A Mockus
Zenodo DOI 10, 2020
Knights and Gold Stars: A Tale of InnerSource Incentivization
T Dey, W Jiang, B Fitzgerald
IEEE Software 39 (6), 88-98, 2022
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