Diane Litman
Cited by
Cited by
PARADISE: A framework for evaluating spoken dialogue agents
MA Walker, DJ Litman, CA Kamm, A Abella
arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9704004, 1997
A plan recognition model for subdialogues in conversations
DJ Litman, JF Allen
Cognitive science 11 (2), 163-200, 1987
Optimizing dialogue management with reinforcement learning: Experiments with the NJFun system
S Singh, D Litman, M Kearns, M Walker
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 16, 105-133, 2002
Empirical studies on the disambiguation of cue phrases
J Hirschberg, D Litman
Computational linguistics 19 (3), 501-530, 1993
Readings in intelligent user interfaces
M Maybury, W Wahlster
Morgan Kaufmann, 1998
Towards developing general models of usability with PARADISE
M Walker, C Kamm, D Litman
Natural Language Engineering 6 (3-4), 363-377, 2000
ITSPOKE: An intelligent tutoring spoken dialogue system
D Litman, S Silliman
Demonstration papers at HLT-NAACL 2004, 5-8, 2004
Discourse segmentation by human and automated means
RJ Passonneau, D Litman
Computational Linguistics 23 (1), 103-139, 1997
Reinforcement learning for spoken dialogue systems
S Singh, M Kearns, D Litman, M Walker
Advances in neural information processing systems 12, 1999
Predicting student emotions in computer-human tutoring dialogues
D Litman, K Forbes-Riley
Proceedings of the 42nd annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2004
Designing and evaluating an adaptive spoken dialogue system
DJ Litman, S Pan
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 12, 111-137, 2002
Discourse processing and commonsense plans
DJ Litman, JF Allen
Evaluating spoken dialogue agents with PARADISE: Two case studies
MA Walker, DJ Litman, CA Kamm, A Abella
Computer Speech & Language 12 (4), 317-347, 1998
Intention-based segmentation: Human reliability and correlation with linguistic cues
RJ Passonneau, DJ Litman
arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9405015, 1994
Empirically evaluating the application of reinforcement learning to the induction of effective and adaptive pedagogical strategies
M Chi, K VanLehn, D Litman, P Jordan
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 21, 137-180, 2011
Combining multiple knowledge sources for discourse segmentation
DJ Litman, RJ Passonneau
arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9505025, 1995
Recognizing student emotions and attitudes on the basis of utterances in spoken tutoring dialogues with both human and computer tutors
DJ Litman, K Forbes-Riley
Speech communication 48 (5), 559-590, 2006
Learning to predict problematic situations in a spoken dialogue system: experiments with how may i help you?
M Walker, I Langkilde, J Wright, AL Gorin, D Litman
1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for …, 2000
Now let’s Talk About Now; Identifying Cue Phrases Intonationally
J Hirschberg, D Litman
25th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 163-171, 1987
Combining Low-Level and Summary Representations of Opinions for Multi-Perspective Question Answering.
C Cardie, J Wiebe, T Wilson, DJ Litman
New directions in question answering, 20-27, 2003
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Articles 1–20