Tatiana Pontes
Tatiana Pontes
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Потвърден имейл адрес: amazon.com
We know where you live: privacy characterization of foursquare behavior
T Pontes, M Vasconcelos, J Almeida, P Kumaraguru, V Almeida
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on ubiquitous computing, 898-905, 2012
Beware of what you share: Inferring home location in social networks
T Pontes, G Magno, M Vasconcelos, A Gupta, J Almeida, P Kumaraguru, ...
2012 IEEE 12th International conference on data mining workshops, 571-578, 2012
Analytical performance models for MapReduce workloads
E Vianna, G Comarela, T Pontes, J Almeida, V Almeida, K Wilkinson, ...
International Journal of Parallel Programming 41, 495-525, 2013
Associative tag recommendation exploiting multiple textual features
F Belém, E Martins, T Pontes, J Almeida, M Gonçalves
Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2011
Modeling the performance of the Hadoop online prototype
E Vianna, G Comarela, T Pontes, J Almeida, V Almeida, K Wilkinson, ...
2011 23rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2011
Towards Boosting Video Popularity via Tag Selection.
E Santos-Neto, T Pontes, JM Almeida, M Ripeanu
SoMuS@ ICMR, 2014
On the choice of data sources to improve content discoverability via textual feature optimization
E Santos-Neto, T Pontes, J Almeida, M Ripeanu
Proceedings of the 25th ACM conference on Hypertext and social media, 273-278, 2014
Where are the ‘key’words? Optimizing multimedia textual attributes to improve viewership
T Pontes, E Santos-Neto, J Almeida, M Ripeanu
First Monday, 2015
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