Matthias Parey
Matthias Parey
School of Social Sciences (Economics), University of Surrey
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Cited by
Maternal education, home environments, and the development of children and adolescents
P Carneiro, C Meghir, M Parey
Journal of the European Economic Association 11 (s1), 123-160, 2013
Studying Abroad and the Effect on International Labour Market Mobility: Evidence from the Introduction of ERASMUS*
M Parey, F Waldinger
The Economic Journal 121 (551), 194-222, 2011
Measuring the price responsiveness of gasoline demand: Economic shape restrictions and nonparametric demand estimation
R Blundell, JL Horowitz, M Parey
Quantitative Economics 3 (1), 29-51, 2012
Early Gender Gaps Among University Graduates
M Parey, M Francesconi
European Economic Review, 2018
The Selection of High-Skilled Emigrants
M Parey, J Ruhose, F Waldinger, N Netz
Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (5), 776-792, 2017
Vocational schooling versus apprenticeship training-evidence from vacancy data
M Parey
University College London and Institute for Fiscal Studies, 2008
Nonparametric Estimation of a Nonseparable Demand Function under the Slutsky Inequality Restriction
R Blundell, J Horowitz, M Parey
Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (2), 291-304, 2017
The COVID‐19 Economic Crisis
A Adams‐Prassl, J Cloyne, MC Dias, M Parey, JP Ziliak
Fiscal Studies 41 (3), 489, 2020
Erwerbsbeteiligung und Arbeitsmarkt
W Clemens, H Künemund, M Parey
Arbeit in einer alternden Gesellschaft-Problembereiche und …, 2003
Measuring the market size for Cannabis: A new approach using forensic economics
M Parey, I Rasul
Economica 88 (350), 297-338, 2021
COVID‐19 and the Economy
J Cloyne, M Costa Dias, M Parey, JP Ziliak
Fiscal Studies 41 (2), 257-258, 2020
Estimation of a Heterogeneous Demand Function with Berkson Errors
R Blundell, J Horowitz, M Parey
Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (5), 877-889, 2022
The Human Capital Legacy of a Trade Embargo
A Chakravarty, M Parey, GC Wright
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2020
Testing exogeneity in nonparametric instrumental variables models identified by conditional quantile restrictions
JYM Fu, JL Horowitz, M Parey
The Econometrics Journal 24 (1), 23-40, 2021
Household responses to trade shocks
A Irastorza-Fadrique, P Levell, M Parey
IFS Working Papers, 2024
Special Issue on the Evolution of Mortality Inequality in 11 OECD Countries, 1990–2018: A Geographical Approach
J Cloyne, MC Dias, M Parey, JP Ziliak
Fiscal Studies 42 (1), 5-5, 2021
Special Issue on the Evolution of Mortality Inequality in 11 OECD Countries, 1990-2018: A Geographical Approach Foreword
J Cloyne, MC Dias, M Parey, J Ziliak
FISCAL STUDIES 42 (1), 7-7, 2021
Special Issue on the COVID-19 Economic Crisis
A Adams‐Prassl, J Cloyne, MC Dias, M Parey, JP Ziliak
Fiscal Studies 41 (3), 487, 2020
Special Issue on the 50th Anniversary of IFS: Part 2
J Banks, J Cloyne, M Costa Dias, M Parey, JP Ziliak
Fiscal Studies 41 (1), 5-5, 2020
International Student Mobility Programs
M Parey
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education, 2020
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Articles 1–20