Dr. rer. Nat. Katrin Kellner
Dr. rer. Nat. Katrin Kellner
Потвърден имейл адрес: uttyler.edu
Bacterial Diversity in Solenopsis invicta and Solenopsis geminata Ant Colonies Characterized by 16S amplicon 454 Pyrosequencing
HD Ishak, R Plowes, R Sen, K Kellner, E Meyer, DA Estrada, SE Dowd, ...
Microbial ecology 61, 821-831, 2011
Specificity between lactobacilli and hymenopteran hosts is the exception rather than the rule
QS McFrederick, JJ Cannone, RR Gutell, K Kellner, RM Plowes, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79 (6), 1803-1812, 2013
Polygyny and polyandry in small ant societies
K Kellner, A Trindl, J Heinze, P d’Ettorre
Molecular Ecology 16 (11), 2363-2369, 2007
Bacterial community composition and diversity in an ancestral ant fungus symbiosis
K Kellner, HD Ishak, TA Linksvayer, UG Mueller
FEMS microbiology ecology 91 (7), fiv073, 2015
Co‐evolutionary patterns and diversification of ant–fungus associations in the asexual fungus‐farming ant Mycocepurus smithii in Panama
K Kellner, H Fernández‐Marín, HD Ishak, R Sen, TA Linksvayer, ...
Journal of evolutionary biology 26 (6), 1353-1362, 2013
Mechanism of facultative parthenogenesis in the ant Platythyrea punctata
K Kellner, J Heinze
Evolutionary Ecology 25, 77-89, 2011
Colony fusion causes within-colony variation in a parthenogenetic ant
K Kellner, B Barth, J Heinze
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64, 737-746, 2010
Phylogeography of the parthenogenic ant Platythyrea punctata: highly successful colonization of the West Indies by a poor disperser
JN Seal, K Kellner, A Trindl, J Heinze
Journal of Biogeography 38 (5), 868-882, 2011
Number of queens in founding associations of the ponerine ant Pachycondyla villosa
P d’Ettorre, K Kellner, JHC Delabie, J Heinze
Insectes Sociaux 52, 327-332, 2005
Landscape genomics of an obligate mutualism: Concordant and discordant population structures between the leafcutter ant Atta texana and its two main fungal …
CC Smith, JN Weber, AS Mikheyev, F Roces, M Bollazzi, K Kellner, ...
Molecular Ecology 28 (11), 2831-2845, 2019
Potential distribution of six North American higher-attine fungus-farming ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) species
SF Senula, JT Scavetta, JA Banta, UG Mueller, JN Seal, K Kellner
Journal of Insect Science 19 (6), 24, 2019
Absence of nepotism in genetically heterogeneous colonies of a clonal ant
K Kellner, J Heinze
Ethology 117 (6), 556-564, 2011
Sociality in ants
J Heinze, K Kellner, J Seal
Comparative social evolution 712, 21-49, 2017
Sex at the margins: parthenogenesis vs. facultative and obligate sex in a Neotropical ant
K Kellner, JN Seal, J Heinze
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (1), 108-117, 2013
The police are not the army: context-dependent aggressiveness in a clonal ant
MB Barth, K Kellner, J Heinze
Biology Letters 6 (3), 329-332, 2010
High diversity and multiple invasions to North America by fungi grown by the northern-most Trachymyrmex and Mycetomoellerius ant species
J Luiso, K Kellner, AE Matthews, UG Mueller, JN Seal
Fungal Ecology 44, 100878, 2020
Symbiont-mediated host-parasite dynamics in a fungus-gardening ant
K Kellner, MR Kardish, JN Seal, TA Linksvayer, UG Mueller
Microbial ecology 76, 530-543, 2018
Policing and dominance behaviour in the parthenogenetic ant Platythyrea punctata
E Brunner, K Kellner, J Heinze
Animal Behaviour 78 (6), 1427-1431, 2009
Host specificity between Hymenoptera and lactobacilli is the exception rather than the rule
QS McFrederick, JJ Cannone, RR Gutell, K Kellner, RM Plowes, ...
Appl Environ Microbiol 79, 1803-1812, 2013
Effects of substrate, ant and fungal species on plant fiber degradation in a fungus-gardening ant symbiosis
AM DeMilto, M Rouquette Jr, UG Mueller, K Kellner, JN Seal
Journal of insect physiology 98, 301-308, 2017
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