Mark E McCourt
Mark E McCourt
Professor of Psychology, Center for Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience, North Dakota State University
Потвърден имейл адрес: ndsu.edu
Pseudoneglect: a review and meta-analysis of performance factors in line bisection tasks
G Jewell, ME McCourt
Neuropsychologia 38 (1), 93-110, 2000
Visuospatial attention in line bisection: Stimulus modulation of pseudoneglect
ME McCourt, G Jewell
Neuropsychologia 37 (7), 843-855, 1999
A multiscale spatial filtering account of the White effect, simultaneous brightness contrast and grating induction
B Blakeslee, ME McCourt
Vision Research 39 (26), 4361-4377, 1999
Right hemisphere control of visuospatial attention: Line-bisection judgments evaluated with high-density electrical mapping and source analysis
JJ Foxe, ME McCourt, DC Javitt
Neuroimage 19 (3), 710-726, 2003
A spatial frequency dependent grating-induction effect
ME McCourt
Vision Research 22 (1), 119-123, 1982
A unified theory of brightness contrast and assimilation incorporating oriented multiscale spatial filtering and contrast normalization
B Blakeslee, ME McCourt
Vision Research 44 (21), 2483-2503, 2004
Cognitive and perceptual influences on visual line bisection: Psychophysical and chronometric analyses of pseudoneglect
ME McCourt, C Olafson
Neuropsychologia 35 (3), 369-380, 1997
Physiological studies on the feedback connection to the striate cortex from cortical areas 18 and 19 of the cat
J Bullier, ME McCourt, GH Henry
Experimental Brain Research 70, 90-98, 1988
Semantic processing precedes affect retrieval: The neurological case for cognitive primacy in visual processing.
J Storbeck, MD Robinson, ME McCourt
Review of General Psychology 10, 41-55, 2006
Parvocellular and magnocellular contributions to the initial generators of the visual evoked potential: High-density electrical mapping of the “C1” component
JJ Foxe, EC Strugstad, P Sehatpour, S Molholm, W Pasieka, ...
Brain Topography 21 (1), 11-21, 2008
Asymmetries of visuospatial attention are modulated by viewing distance and visual field elevation: Pseudoneglect in peripersonal and extrapersonal space
ME McCourt, M Garlinghouse
Cortex 36 (5), 715-731, 2000
Performance consistency of normal observers in forced-choice tachistoscopic visual line bisection
ME McCourt
Neuropsychologia 39 (10), 1065-1076, 2001
Similar mechanisms underlie simultaneous brightness contrast and grating induction
B Blakeslee, ME McCourt
Vision research 37 (20), 2849-2869, 1997
Factors governing the adaptation of cells in area-17 of the cat visual cortex
T Maddess, ME McCourt, B Blakeslee, RB Cunningham
Biological Cybernetics 59 (4), 229-236, 1988
The influence of unimanual response on pseudoneglect magnitude
ME McCourt, P Freeman, C Tahmahkera-Stevens, M Chaussee
Brain and Cognition 45 (1), 52-63, 2001
Oriented multiscale spatial filtering and contrast normalization: A parsimonious model of brightness induction in a continuum of stimuli including White, Howe and simultaneous …
B Blakeslee, W Pasieka, ME McCourt
Vision Research 45 (5), 607-615, 2005
A multiscale spatial filtering account of the Wertheimer–Benary effect and the corrugated Mondrian
B Blakeslee, ME McCourt
Vision Research 41 (19), 2487-2502, 2001
The effects of gender, menstrual phase and practice on the perceived location of the midsagittal plane
ME McCourt, VW Mark, KJ Radonovich, SK Willison, P Freeman
Neuropsychologia 35 (5), 717-724, 1997
Visual grating induction
JM Foley, ME McCourt
JOSA A 2 (7), 1220-1230, 1985
Unilateral visual cueing and asymmetric line geometry share a common attentional origin in the modulation of pseudoneglect
ME McCourt, M Garlinghouse, PA Reuter-Lorenz
Cortex 41 (4), 499-511, 2005
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