Jelena Mitrović
Jelena Mitrović
Други именаJelena Mitrovic, Јелена Митровић, Jelena D. Mitrović
Потвърден имейл адрес: uni-passau.de - Начална страница
HateBERT: Retraining BERT for Abusive Language Detection in English
T Caselli, V Basile, J Mitrović, M Granitzer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.12472, 2020
I Feel Offended, Don’t Be Abusive! Implicit/Explicit Messages in Offensive and Abusive Language
T Caselli, V Basile, J Mitrović, I Kartoziya, M Granitzer
Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2020
Automated identification of bias inducing words in news articles using linguistic and context-oriented features
T Spinde, L Rudnitckaia, J Mitrović, F Hamborg, M Granitzer, B Gipp, ...
Information Processing & Management 58 (3), 2021
Hybrid sentiment analysis framework for a morphologically rich language
M Mladenović, J Mitrović, C Krstev, D Vitas
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 46, 599-620, 2016
‘AI-Generated Inventions’: Time to Get the Record Straight?
D Kim
GRUR International 69 (5), 443-456, 2020
Ontological representations of rhetorical figures for argument mining
J Mitrović, C O’Reilly, M Mladenović, S Handschuh
Argument & Computation 8 (3), 267–287, 2017
Ruddit: Norms of offensiveness for English Reddit comments
R Hada, S Sudhir, P Mishra, H Yannakoudakis, SM Mohammad, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.05664, 2021
Ontology of Rhetorical Figures for Serbian
M Mladenović, J Mitrović
Lecture Notes in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence 8082, 386-393, 2013
Ecological consumer neuroscience for competitive advantage and business or organizational differentiation
A González-Morales, J Mitrovic, RC Garcia
European Research on Management and Business Economics 26 (3), 174-180, 2020
Technical aspects of artificial intelligence: an understanding from an intellectual property law perspective
J Drexl, R Hilty, F Beneke, L Desaunettes-Barbero, M Finck, J Globocnik, ...
Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper, 2019
Rhetorical figures, arguments, computation
RA Harris, C Di Marco
Argument & Computation 8 (3), 211-231, 2017
nlpUP at SemEval-2019 Task 6: A Deep Neural Language Model for Offensive Language Detection
J Mitrović, B Birkeneder, M Granitzer
In Proceedings of The 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2019
Using Lexical Resources for Irony and Sarcasm Classification
M Mladenović, C Krstev, J Mitrović, R Stanković
Proceedings of the 8th Balkan Conference in Informatics, 2017
MMoveT15: A Twitter Dataset for Extracting and Analysing Migration-Movement Data of the European Migration Crisis 2015
S Urchs, L Wendlinger, J Mitrović, M Granitzer
28th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure …, 2019
Exploiting Transformer-based Multitask Learning for the Detection of Media Bias in News Articles
T Spinde, JD Krieger, T Ruas, J Mitrović, F Götz-Hahn, A Aizawa, B Gipp
Proceedings of the iConference 2022, 2022
Design and Implementation of German Legal Decision Corpora
S Urchs, J Mitrović, M Granitzer
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial …, 2021
German BERT Model for Legal Named Entity Recognition
H Darji, J Mitrović, M Granitzer
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART 2023, 2023
Uncovering the reasons behind COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Serbia: sentiment-based topic modeling
A Ljajić, N Prodanović, D Medvecki, B Bašaragin, J Mitrović
Journal of Medical Internet Research 24 (11), e42261, 2022
Developing and Maintaining a WordNet: Procedures and Tools
M Mladenovic, J Mitrovic, C Krstev
7th International Global WordNet Conference, 55-62, 2014
Impact and development of an Open Web Index for open web search
M Granitzer, S Voigt, NA Fathima, M Golasowski, C Guetl, T Hecking, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2023
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