Nabil Abumhadi
Nabil Abumhadi
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Molecular farming in plants: an approach of agricultural biotechnology
K Kamenarova, N Abumhadi, K Gecheff, A Atanassov
Journal of cell and molecular biology 4 (4), 77-86, 2005
Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Barley Mature Embryos (Hordem Vulgare L.)
N Abumhadi, K Kamenarova, E Todorovska, G Dimov, A Trifonova, ...
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 19 (3), 32-38, 2005
Agricultural research in 21st century: Challenges facing the food security under the impacts of climate change
N Abumhadi, E Todorovska, B Assenov, S Tsonev, D Vulcheva, ...
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 18 (6), 801-818, 2012
Generation of transgenic barley lines producing human lactoferrin using mutant alpha-tubulin gene as the selective marker
IV Tanasienko, AI Yemets, YV Pirko, VI Korhkovyy, N Abumhadi, ...
Cytology and Genetics 45, 1-6, 2011
Development of the particle inflow gun and optimizing the particle bombardment method for efficient genetic transformation in mature embryos of cereals
N Abumhadi, S Takumi, C Nakamura, E Todorovska, L Getov, N Christov, ...
Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment (Bulgaria) 15 (2), 2001
Biotechnological approaches for cereal crops improvement: Part II: Use of molecular markers in cereal breeding
E Todorovska, N Abumhadi, K Kamenarova, D Zheleva, A Kostova, ...
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 19 (sup3), 91-104, 2005
Future challenges of plant biotechnology and genomics.
NM Abumhadi, AI Atanassov
Biotechnol. & Biotechnol
N Abumhadi, K Kamenarova, E Todorovska, M Stoyanova, G Dimov, ...
Eq 19 (1), 63-69, 2005
Effects of three promoters in barley transformation by particle bombardment of mature and immature embryos
N Abumhadi, K Kamenarova, E Todorovska, G Dimov, S Takumi, ...
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 19 (1), 63-69, 2005
Biotechnological approaches for cereal crops improvement part II: Use of molecular markers in cereal breeding. 20th anniversary agro bio institute research and development
E Todorovska, N Abumhadi, K Kamenarova, D Zheleva, A Kostova, ...
Effects of chromosome reconstruction of barley genome on tissue culture response using two different regeneration systems
N Abumhadi, K Kamenarova, K Gecheff, N Christov
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture 80, 339-342, 2005
Development of the simple gene gun apparatuses systems
NM Abumhadi, K Kamenarova, E Todorovska, G Dimov, S Takumi, ...
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 19 (2), 91-100, 2005
Biotechnological Approaches for Cereal Crops Improvement: Part I: Development of In Vitro Culture and Genetic Transformation Technologies in Cereals
N Abumhadi, K Kamenarova, E Todorovska, M Stoyanova, G Dimov, ...
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 19 (sup3), 72-90, 2005
Tissue culture response from seedling explants of commercial barley cultivars grown in Bulgaria
N Abumhadi, K Kamenarova, G Dimov, E Todorovska, A Trifonova, ...
Journal of Crop Improvement 15 (1), 51-65, 2006
Strigolactones: Mediators of Abiotic Stress Response and Weakness in Parasite Attraction
D Teofanova, M Odjakova, N Abumhadi, L Zagorchev
Plant Tolerance to Environmental Stress, 115-128, 2019
Delayed fluorescence measurements show increased S2Q− b charge recombination in PS2 of tobacco pigment-deficient aurea mutant
D Stefanov, G Milanov, P Lambrev, M Kurteva, N Abumhadi, V Goltsev, ...
Comptes rendus de l’Académie bulgare des Sciences 71 (8), 2018
Physiological, biochemical and molecular studies on salt tolerance of Bulgarian 6-row barley cultivars
B Assenov, K Georgieva, G Mihailova, L Zagorchev, M Odjakova, ...
Scientific works of the Institute of Agriculture–Karnobat 3 (1), 45-54, 2015
Profile of antioxidant enzymes in two Bulgarian barley cultivars at early growth stage, differing in salt stress response
L Zagorchev, P Kamenova, B Assenov, N Abumhadı, E Todorovska, ...
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 1 (Özel Sayı-1), 811-816, 2014
Major challenges facing the global food & agricultural system in the 21st century.
A Atanassov, N Abumhadi
Comparative study on salt stress response of common wheat (Triticum aestivum: Poaceae) and related ancient cereal crops.
K Georgieva, D Teofanova, L Zagorchev, N Abumhadi, M Odjakova
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Articles 1–20