Ridha Soua
Ridha Soua
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Improving traffic flow prediction with weather information in connected cars: A deep learning approach
A Koesdwiady, R Soua, F Karray
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (12), 9508-9517, 2016
A survey on energy efficient techniques in wireless sensor networks
R Soua, P Minet
2011 4th joint IFIP wireless and mobile networking conference (WMNC 2011), 1-9, 2011
Recent trends in driver safety monitoring systems: State of the art and challenges
A Koesdwiady, R Soua, F Karray, MS Kamel
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 66 (6), 4550-4563, 2016
Situation awareness within the context of connected cars: A comprehensive review and recent trends
K Golestan, R Soua, F Karray, MS Kamel
Information Fusion 29, 68-83, 2016
IoT Device Fingerprinting: Machine Learning based Encrypted Traffic Analysis
N Mszdek, R Soua, T Engel
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2019
Wave: a distributed scheduling algorithm for convergecast in IEEE 802.15. 4e TSCH networks
R Soua, P Minet, E Livolant
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 27 (4), 557-575, 2016
Machine learning for reliable network attack detection in SCADA systems
RL Perez, F Adamsky, R Soua, T Engel
2018 17th IEEE international conference on trust, security and privacy in …, 2018
Big-data-generated traffic flow prediction using deep learning and dempster-shafer theory
R Soua, A Koesdwiady, F Karray
2016 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 3195-3202, 2016
MODESA: An optimized multichannel slot assignment for raw data convergecast in wireless sensor networks
R Soua, P Minet, E Livolant
2012 IEEE 31st international performance computing and communications …, 2012
Multichannel assignment protocols in wireless sensor networks: A comprehensive survey
R Soua, P Minet
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 16, 2-21, 2015
Enabling SDN in VANETs: What is the impact on security?
A Di Maio, MR Palattella, R Soua, L Lamorte, X Vilajosana, ...
Sensors 16 (12), 2077, 2016
SDN coordination for CCN and FC content dissemination in VANETs
R Soua, E Kalogeiton, G Manzo, JM Duarte, MR Palattella, A Di Maio, ...
Ad Hoc Networks: 8th International Conference, ADHOCNETS 2016, Ottawa …, 2017
Integrated protection of industrial control systems from cyber-attacks: the ATENA approach
F Adamsky, M Aubigny, F Battisti, M Carli, F Cimorelli, T Cruz, A Di Giorgio, ...
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 21, 72-82, 2018
A multi-pronged approach to adaptive and context aware content dissemination in VANETs
JM Duarte, E Kalogeiton, R Soua, G Manzo, MR Palattella, AD Maio, ...
Mobile Networks and Applications 23, 1247-1259, 2018
DiSCA: A distributed scheduling for convergecast in multichannel wireless sensor networks
R Soua, P Minet, E Livolant
2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2015
MUSIKA: A multichannel multi-sink data gathering algorithm in wireless sensor networks
R Soua, E Livolant, P Minet
2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing …, 2013
Sensors deployment enhancement by a mobile robot in wireless sensor networks
R Soua, L Saidane, P Minet
2010 Ninth International Conference on Networks, 121-126, 2010
A survey on multichannel assignment protocols in wireless sensor networks
R Soua, P Minet
2011 IFIP Wireless Days (WD), 1-3, 2011
Multi-access edge computing for vehicular networks: A position paper
R Soua, I Turcanu, F Adamsky, D Führer, T Engel
2018 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2018
Fog computing as the key for seamless connectivity handover in future vehicular networks
MR Palattella, R Soua, A Khelil, T Engel
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 1996-2000, 2019
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