W Gregory Shriver
W Gregory Shriver
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Estimating the effects of road mortality on turtle populations
JP Gibbs, WG Shriver
Conservation Biology 16 (6), 1647-1652, 2002
Impact of native plants on bird and butterfly biodiversity in suburban landscapes
KT Burghardt, DW Tallamy, W Gregory Shriver
Conservation biology 23 (1), 219-224, 2009
Can road mortality limit populations of pool-breeding amphibians?
JP Gibbs, WG Shriver
Wetlands Ecology and Management 13, 281-289, 2005
Effects of traffic noise on occupancy patterns of forest birds
SE Goodwin, WG Shriver
Conservation Biology 25 (2), 406-411, 2011
Monitoring and evaluating the ecological integrity of forest ecosystems
GL Tierney, D Faber-Langendoen, BR Mitchell, WG Shriver, JP Gibbs
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7 (6), 308-316, 2009
Remote sensing of land-cover change and landscape context of the National Parks: A case study of the Northeast Temperate Network
Y Wang, BR Mitchell, J Nugranad-Marzilli, G Bonynge, Y Zhou, G Shriver
Remote sensing of environment 113 (7), 1453-1461, 2009
Landscape context influences salt marsh bird diversity and area requirements in New England
WG Shriver, TP Hodgman, JP Gibbs, PD Vickery
Biological Conservation 119 (4), 545-553, 2004
Predictors of specialist avifaunal decline in coastal marshes
MD Correll, WA Wiest, TP Hodgman, WG Shriver, CS Elphick, BJ McGill, ...
Conservation Biology 31 (1), 172-182, 2017
Flood tides affect breeding ecology of two sympatric sharp-tailed sparrows
WG Shriver, PD Vickery, TP Hodgman, JP Gibbs
The Auk 124 (2), 552-560, 2007
Flooding and predation: Trade-offs in the nesting ecology of tidal-marsh sparrows
R Greenberg, C Elphick, JC Nordby, C Gjerdrum, H Spautz, G Shriver, ...
Studies in avian biology 32, 96, 2006
A sampling design framework for monitoring secretive marshbirds
DH Johnson, JP Gibbs, M Herzog, S Lor, ND Niemuth, CA Ribic, ...
Waterbirds 32 (2), 203-215, 2009
Are declines in insects and insectivorous birds related?
DW Tallamy, WG Shriver
The Condor 123 (1), duaa059, 2021
Population estimates for tidal marsh birds of high conservation concern in the northeastern USA from a design-based survey
WA Wiest, MD Correll, BJ Olsen, CS Elphick, TP Hodgman, DR Curson, ...
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 118 (2), 274-288, 2016
Prevalence of Campylobacter in Wild Birds of the Mid-Atlantic Region, USA
JI Keller, WG Shriver, J Waldenström, P Griekspoor, B Olsen
Journal of wildlife diseases 47 (3), 750-754, 2011
Spatial dynamics of source-sink habitats: effects on rare grassland birds
DW Perkins, PD Vickery, WG Shriver
The Journal of wildlife management, 588-599, 2003
A comparison of traffic estimates of nocturnal flying animals using radar, thermal imaging, and acoustic recording
KG Horton, WG Shriver, JJ Buler
Ecological Applications 25 (2), 390-401, 2015
Differential introgression and the maintenance of species boundaries in an advanced generation avian hybrid zone
J Walsh, WG Shriver, BJ Olsen, AI Kovach
BMC Evolutionary Biology 16, 1-18, 2016
Fine-scale mapping of coastal plant communities in the northeastern USA
MD Correll, W Hantson, TP Hodgman, BB Cline, CS Elphick, ...
Wetlands 39, 17-28, 2019
Redefining range overlap between the sharp-tailed sparrows of coastal New England
TP Hodgman, WG Shriver, PD Vickery
The Wilson Bulletin 114 (1), 38-43, 2002
Concordance between morphological and molecular markers in assessing hybridization between sharp-tailed sparrows in New England
WG Shriver, JP Gibbs, PD Vickery, HL Gibbs, TP Hodgman, PT Jones, ...
The Auk 122 (1), 94-107, 2005
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