Marc Doussard
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Cited by
Reconstituting the state: City powers and exposures in Chicago’s infrastructure leases
P Ashton, M Doussard, R Weber
Urban Studies 53 (7), 1384-1400, 2016
The maker movement and urban economic development
L Wolf-Powers, M Doussard, G Schrock, C Heying, M Eisenburger, ...
Journal of the American planning association 83 (4), 365-376, 2017
After deindustrialization: Uneven growth and economic inequality in “postindustrial” Chicago
M Doussard, J Peck, N Theodore
Economic Geography 85 (2), 183-207, 2009
Degraded work: The struggle at the bottom of the labor market
M Doussard
U of Minnesota Press, 2013
The financial engineering of infrastructure privatization: What are public assets worth to private investors?
P Ashton, M Doussard, R Weber
Journal of the American Planning Association 78 (3), 300-312, 2012
Fast food, poverty wages
S Allegretto, M Doussard, D Graham-Squire, K Jacobs, D Thompson, ...
The Public Cost of Low-Wage Jobs in the Fast-Food Industry, 2013
Tearing the city down: Understanding demolition activity in gentrifying neighborhoods
R Weber, M Doussard, SD Bhatta, D McGrath
Journal of Urban Affairs 28 (1), 19-41, 2006
Manufacturing without the firm: Challenges for the maker movement in three US cities
M Doussard, G Schrock, L Wolf-Powers, M Eisenburger, S Marotta
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 50 (3), 651-670, 2018
The rise of wage theft laws: can community–labor coalitions win victories in state houses?
M Doussard, A Gamal
Urban Affairs Review 52 (5), 780-807, 2016
Equity planning outside city hall: Rescaling advocacy to confront the sources of urban problems
M Doussard
Journal of Planning Education and Research 35 (3), 296-306, 2015
Uneven decline: linking historical patterns and processes of industrial restructuring to future growth trajectories
M Doussard, G Schrock
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8 (2), 149-165, 2015
Organizing together: Benefits and drawbacks of community-labor coalitions for community organizations
M Doussard, BR Fulton
Social Service Review 94 (1), 36-74, 2020
Fortune favors the organized: How Chicago activists won equity goals under austerity
M Doussard, J Lesniewski
Journal of Urban Affairs 39 (5), 618-634, 2017
The maker economy in action: Entrepreneurship and supportive ecosystems in Chicago, New York and Portland
L Wolf-Powers, G Schrock, M Doussard, C Heying, M Eisenburger, ...
Portland, OR: Portland State University, 2016
Devolution, disinvestment and uneven development: US industrial policy and evolution of the national network for manufacturing innovation
J Clark, M Doussard
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 12 (2), 251-270, 2019
Which hospitals participate in community building? What medical anchors spend on community economic development
SA Sherman, M Doussard
Journal of Urban Affairs 41 (7), 999-1016, 2019
Justice at work: The rise of economic and racial justice coalitions in cities
M Doussard, G Schrock
U of Minnesota Press, 2022
Crossing boundaries, building power: Chicago organizers embrace race, ideology, and coalition
J Lesniewski, M Doussard
Social Service Review 91 (4), 585-620, 2017
Industrial inheritances: Makers, relatedness and materiality in New York and Chicago
M Eisenburger, M Doussard, L Wolf-Powers, G Schrock, S Marotta
Regional Studies, 2019
The other green jobs: legal marijuana and the promise of consumption-driven economic development
M Doussard
Journal of Planning Education and Research 39 (1), 79-92, 2019
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Articles 1–20