On the geometry of metric measure spaces KT Sturm
Acta mathematica 196 (1), 65-131, 2006
1421 2006 On the geometry of metric measure spaces. II. KT STURM
Acta mathematica 196 (1), 133-177, 2006
928 2006 Transport inequalities, gradient estimates, entropy and Ricci curvature MK von Renesse, KT Sturm
Communications on pure and applied mathematics 58 (7), 923-940, 2005
580 2005 On the equivalence of the entropic curvature-dimension condition and Bochner’s inequality on metric measure spaces M Erbar, K Kuwada, KT Sturm
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457 2015 Probability measures on metric spaces of nonpositive KT Sturm
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440 2003 Analysis on local Dirichlet spaces. I. Recurrence, conservativeness and Lp -Liouville properties. KT Sturm
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362 1996 Analysis on local Dirichlet spaces. II. Upper Gaussian estimates for the fundamental solutions of parabolic equations KT Sturm
320 1995 Localization and tensorization properties of the curvature-dimension condition for metric measure spaces K Bacher, KT Sturm
Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (1), 28-56, 2010
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218 2009 Diffusion processes and heat kernels on metric spaces KT Sturm
The Annals of Probability 26 (1), 1-55, 1998
147 1998 Non-branching geodesics and optimal maps in strong -spaces T Rajala, KT Sturm
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 50 (3), 831-846, 2014
137 2014 Bochner–Weitzenböck formula and Li–Yau estimates on Finsler manifolds S Ohta, KT Sturm
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134 2014 The space of spaces: curvature bounds and gradient flows on the space of metric measure spaces KT Sturm
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130 2023 Entropic measure and Wasserstein diffusion MK von Renesse, KT Sturm
128 2009 Convex functionals of probability measures and nonlinear diffusions on manifolds KT Sturm
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 84 (2), 149-168, 2005
114 2005 Mass transportation and rough curvature bounds for discrete spaces AI Bonciocat, KT Sturm
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109 2009 Optimal maps and exponentiation on finite-dimensional spaces with Ricci curvature bounded from below N Gigli, T Rajala, KT Sturm
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