Antonio Luis Ferreira
Antonio Luis Ferreira
Department of Physics, Aveiro univeristy
Потвърден имейл адрес: ua.pt
Lay volunteer delivery of a community-based cardiovascular risk factor change program: The Pawtucket experiment
T Lasater, D Abrams, L Artz, P Beaudin, L Cabrera, J Elder, A Ferreira, ...
Behavioral health: A handbook of health enhancement and disease prevention …, 1984
Sensitivity of NEXT-100 to neutrinoless double beta decay
J Martín-Albo, J Muñoz Vidal, P Ferrario, M Nebot-Guinot, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (5), 1-30, 2016
NEXT-100 technical design report (TDR). Executive summary
V Alvarez, FIGM Borges, S Cárcel, JM Carmona, J Castel, JM Catalá, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 7 (06), T06001, 2012
Near-intrinsic energy resolution for 30–662 keV gamma rays in a high pressure xenon electroluminescent TPC
V Álvarez, F Borges, S Cárcel, J Castel, S Cebrián, A Cervera, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2013
Solid–fluid coexistence of the Lennard-Jones system from absolute free energy calculations
MA Barroso, AL Ferreira
The Journal of chemical physics 116 (16), 7145-7150, 2002
CO2 capture using microalgae
MA Vale, A Ferreira, JCM Pires, AL Gonçalves
Advances in carbon capture, 381-405, 2020
Demonstration of single-barium-ion sensitivity for neutrinoless double-beta decay using single-molecule fluorescence imaging
AD McDonald, BJP Jones, DR Nygren, C Adams, V Álvarez, ...
Physical review letters 120 (13), 132504, 2018
Present status and future perspectives of the NEXT experiment
JJ Gómez Cadenas, V Álvarez, FIG Borges, S Cárcel, J Castel, S Cebrián, ...
Advances in High Energy Physics 2014 (1), 907067, 2014
Hydrogen storage for energy application
R Krishna, E Titus, M Salimian, O Okhay, S Rajendran, A Rajkumar, ...
Hydrogen storage, 2012
Sensitivity of a tonne-scale NEXT detector for neutrinoless double-beta decay searches
C Adams, V Álvarez, L Arazi, IJ Arnquist, CD Azevedo, K Bailey, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (8), 1-24, 2021
First proof of topological signature in the high pressure xenon gas TPC with electroluminescence amplification for the NEXT experiment
P Ferrario, A Laing, N López-March, JJ Gómez-Cadenas, V Álvarez, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2016 (1), 1-18, 2016
Using an online image analysis technique to characterize sucrose crystal morphology during a crystallization run
A Ferreira, N Faria, F Rocha, JA Teixeira
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 50 (11), 6990-7002, 2011
Radiopurity control in the NEXT-100 double beta decay experiment: procedures and initial measurements
V Alvarez, I Bandac, A Bettini, F Borges, S Carcel, J Castel, S Cebrián, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (01), T01002, 2013
Initial results of NEXT-DEMO, a large-scale prototype of the NEXT-100 experiment
V Álvarez, FIG Borges, S Cárcel, J Castel, S Cebrián, A Cervera, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (04), P04002, 2013
Background rejection in NEXT using deep neural networks
J Renner, A Farbin, JM Vidal, JM Benlloch-Rodríguez, A Botas, P Ferrario, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 12 (01), T01004, 2017
A simulation toolkit for electroluminescence assessment in rare event experiments
CAB Oliveira, H Schindler, RJ Veenhof, S Biagi, CMB Monteiro, ...
Physics Letters B 703 (3), 217-222, 2011
Resolution of persistent periapical infection by endodontic surgery
FBA Ferreira, AL Ferreira, B Gomes, FJ Souza‐Filho
International endodontic journal 37 (1), 61-69, 2004
The next white (new) detector
F Monrabal, JJ Gómez-Cadenas, JF Toledo, A Laing, V Álvarez, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 13 (12), P12010, 2018
Operation and first results of the NEXT-DEMO prototype using a silicon photomultiplier tracking array
V Álvarez, FIG Borges, S Cárcel, J Castel, S Cebrián, A Cervera, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 8 (09), P09011, 2013
Energy calibration of the NEXT-White detector with 1% resolution near Q ββ of 136Xe
J Renner, NEXT collaboration
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019
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